Hello Folks,
This is my first post to this website. It may possibly be my last simply because I have a hectic schedule and I’m not a very frequent visitor of this site. Well, first off, I found this site incredibly resourceful. I am a pretty hairy guy, and I was thinking of persuing modeling as a hobby for the summer. Once the weather gets better I’d like to tan a bit and shave away my “coat and pants” I’m wearing on my body. It’s not the worst case of body hair out there, but it’s bad enough that my chances to model would be brutally affected. Well, I read all of the message boards and the website in a good 3 hours (what I needed to know anyway) and I figured I’d go with body waxing, probably at a beauty salon. I am a struggling student like so many of you out there, and so my mother didn’t want me to shell out my hard earned money when there were ways of getting the job done cheaper. She showed me her epilator on my arms, which hurt quite a lot. My arm hair is very long and dark, and I actually broke the machine (partly because it was old to begin with). My mother does house cleaning, and I tag along and help on some days. I was working with her today, when she walked up to me and grabbed my arm with her yellow-rubber gloves she was using. Pull!!! “What did you do that for?”… I exlaimed! “Look!”… I saw her glove was full of hair from my arm. What was odd is that it hurt NOWHERE as much as the epilator did. Infact, it didn’t really hurt at all. I was drawing much more blood than with the epilator, but perhaps it was because it was drawing so much hair more rapidly. Well, that lasted only 45 seconds or so and we went back to work. Now I see that my left arm looks MUCH cleaner than my right. I’ll probably let her finish the rest of it this evening when I find the time. I’m not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing I’m trying. My arm looks fine and couldn’t feel better. But obviously to do this you have to have hair long enough to get a grip on, otherwise it could be tricky to get at it. Anyways, I did get a hair wax kit and I’ll be using that for the chest/stomach, and for my pants, I mean legs, I have no idea what I’ll do. Probably try the epilator, or maybe even give the gloves a test. I took this picture http://jgcarlson.dns2go.com:442/Http/root/about/11.jpg with my digiCam and realized I hate my hairy body and need to do something serious if I want to try modeling. (mind you this was taken after a serious electric razor trim) If I have success with all of this in the coming months, I’ll have to drop by the website and thank the admin and post a pic at my success, which of course could only be owed to all of the fine folks that make this great information available. Anyways, now I’ve shared my bizarre hair treatment experiment with ya’ll. Hope it is a safe tip and that maybe it saves one of you out there some $$$ and time? Buh-bye!
[ April 07, 2003, 06:06 PM: Message edited by: Jontiac ]