Thanks for the reply RJC
No he does not use compression.I read about this in the forum and asked him why his response was"gliding and pressing down is the same,and it would take forever if i did it the other way."
Im having a large area done at once:
Price:$7000 for first 6 treatments and $3500 for the next 6(if necessary)so i said this means so much to me.Plus this price was an absolute bargain compared to other places i checked out. Ill try it out and gave him 7 grand cash.
My skin is “snow” white with dark hair and was told i was a great candidate or so i thought.My skin reacted bad too.Blotches,redness,blisters,pimples were all side-effects that didnt go away for about 3 weeks.I hesitate to even ask him to raise the fluence now because at 45J or 50J my sensitive skin might burn like crazy.
Results after 2 treatments at 34J: Zilch ! More hair then i started with.
Im worried as hell even after 6,8,10 treatments im gona accomplish nothing but waste time b/c ofimproper technique.I have a feeling he wont change his stance on this either.
So now i dont know what to do.I really would like to go to someone that knows what they are doing but not at the expense of losing 7 thousand.
Should i break this guys jaw or what ?