hi wanted to know if anyone has tried our Rio-IPL machine and if its any good for salon use
If I were you, I would not bring this into my salon unless I were describing it as temporary hair removal. Otherwise, you will lose customers, as the reality of the limited long term results become clear. You will also come to find the cost of the light bulb replacement to be significant if you are using it daily in your salon, when it was expected that it would only be used by persons who typically use it a few times, and toss it into a box in the back of the closet.
thanks for your reply James.
which ipl machine would you recommend for salon use with the most competitive price, I have checked out ipulse as well but not so sure if it is any good as well.
Wrong person to ask! LAgirl can help you on this one.
I looked into Rio. It is not available in USA yet at least officially. Perhaps someone on Ebay will send you one. I emailed the company and they say they are awaiting FDA approval. In this process, I noticed something interesting. The UK has quite a few more home-grade IPL and laser units on the market including some from big names like Remington and Philips. The Rio website has a nice comparison chart comparing pulse energy, and bulb/pulse limitations for their unit, the Philips unit, and a third one. It seems they don’t artificially limit the shots per bulb like Silkn does claiming a natural bulb life of 40,000 shots which sounds more reasonable to me (although still low compared to flashlamp pumped lasers I have worked with). Silkn will get trashed when some of these bigger players get their FDA approvals or they will come out with a new bulb that “suddenly” is good for more shots.
hi, i am claire from beijing starlight company, we are IPL, laser,slimming machine manufactruer in china, now we have 9 kinds of IPL machine for salon use. if you interested in can call me:0086-150-11313528 or send me email: staripl01@yahoo.com.cn
I’ve seen the Rio in Canada at Showtime that As seen on TV store. I’ve never used it but to be honest I don’t think you can expect much. I’ve used the Tria as well as the Silk’n and both were garbage. I thought at least if they’re like fancy long term waxing then fine but they’re not even that. 0 results.
These products are too weak to do anything meaningful.
I used this Rio on my face regularly for about a year & ended up with the many fine hairs turned very much coarser and darker (before that I used the one that treats single hairs) - neither actually ended in the removal of a single hair as far as I can tell. Some hairs were singed but then grew straight back.
my friend was using Rio and she wasn’t happy at all. after full treatment she had only 10% hair reduction, she bought SensEpil from www.beautiful-online.com and reduced more than 80% within 3 months.