Results of a single clearing by Ianire Gonzalez

Ianire is a Spanish electrologist located in Bilbao, a city north of Spain.

Just a week ago we were together attending a workshop course. Her boyfriend who accompanied her to act as voluntary model showed us the results of a single clearance in the fingers of his right hand, a year and 4 months later. I found such a good job that I asked to take a picture to share with you all.

Results of a single clearance on the fingers of right hand, made in September 2012. Photo taken in January 2014.

I can testify that this is what I see with my cases, too. Thanks for confirming this, Josefa. Now, go to bed and get a good nights sleep, Miss Hummingbird!

that’s great, this is the kind of thing I hoped for but after four separate painful appointments on my abdomen working upwards, five months after my last appointment shows no difference at all in the density I really think I was seen by an unskilled electrologist even if she claimed to be doing it for years.

Is this kind of reduction expected only on the hand? :frowning:

No, this is the kind of reduction that you should see on any part of the body or face, IF the hairs have not been touched a few months before. And whenever each follicle is treated fully and not partially.

thanks for the reply, when you say not touched, does shaving with a normal razor really effect the results that can be had from electrolysis that much?

I only shave occasionally and when I was having my stomach worked on I hadn’t shaved for a month or more. I thought only waxing and plucking really messed up the hair follicles.

Shaving also affects results. Hairs are in different cycles and when you shave some they will not be actively growing out and you will have missed your chance to get that hair treated until it next grows actively which could be a few months down the track.

thanks for the reply, I thought that was the case.

I don’t think shaving damages the follicle in any way, like waxing and plucking can, right?

Shaving recently, makes it more difficult to see all the hairs yeah but doesn’t make them harder to kill once they are visible. That’s how I understood it anyway.

Yes. So it wont affect the follicles themselves, but you may miss out on a chance to treat them (so you’ll be treating them later rather than sooner, and that WILL affect the results you see in pictures like these :))
I’ve had this recently on some body work - the first clearance was nice, yeah, but definitely had more hair grow out as the areas had been shaved. The second clearance lasted much longer (although I’m still only a month or so out from the second clearance). I didn’t do ANYTHING with the hair after the first clearance.

yeah I understand thanks :slight_smile:

I did stop shaving prior to having electrolysis with the last person I saw but after getting little to no results and deciding not to get treated by them anymore I have shaved again. I would stop shaving completely if I knew who would be treating me next though I’ll try hold off from now but after a month I start to get too down on the sight of myself.