Results, and timing of treatments

Hi all,

I wrote in last summer requesting advice on starting laser treatments on my bikini area, and I’m happy to say I’ve had 4 treatments since then (Candela GentleLase, highest settings) and am seeing really good results!

The first two treatments were spaced about 6 weeks apart. The third treatment was 4 months later (I moved to another city and it took me awhile to find a new laser place). After that, it took a good 3 months for hairs to start growing in again. I made another appointment–my fourth session, and that session was 7 weeks ago now.

My question is, when should I go back for my next treatment? The practitioner wanted to see me again in 4 weeks – but I had literally no hair to zap. Now I am starting to see some faint black dots in some places-- but most of the area remains hair-free.

It seems like a waste to go in for a bikini treatment when only a small portion of the hairs are just barely becoming visible (faint black dots under the skin), but its been almost 8 weeks.

Is this normal after 4 sessions? Do these seem like good results? Should I wait until more hairs become visible, or go back in for another session soon?

One other side note: I initially was receiving brazilian treatments, but I didn’t see much hair reduction on the labias and gave up on that for now (too expensive). The sides and upper bikini areas are the ones that are getting such good results.

Thanks for any advice on when I should go back for my fifth treatment! I appreciate the expert knowledge on this forum.

When there’s enough hair to treat. Usually happens after 8-12 weeks post-treatment on this area.

Totally normal. Some people are even done in three treatments.
