I’ve been receiving electrolysis for a while now with great success. Ready to move onto another area, but the dynamics have shifted a bit. Im now in a region where the majority (that I’ve been to a consultation with / called ) use thermolysis & also have the anagen-only theory — I am aware that all hairs can be treated thanks to hair tell.
One thing
I have left my hair to grow out for this reason, however in most consults they tell me they are majority telogen and I notice the slightest “pluck”. ~My question is~, is this plucking / plucking sensation more acceptable with telogen hairs because the hairs are “stuck/sticky”?
I’m being told I should wax it / shave it for best results (I wont wax it), and my intention remains to be that Im going to have them treat all hairs regardless of phase. I just am unsure of the sensation I feel being related to the telogen or skill.