Replacement for Dr. Ritzert?

Hi there, I know, Dr. Ritzert has been highly praised for the quality of her work, and I have had the luck of getting treated by her. But she has retired.

Where in about the same area would one want to go, to be sure to get an equally profound practitioner to get some touch-ups and maybe another area treated? Around Wiesbaden/Frankfurt/Mainz preferrably.

I’m surprised to hear Beate retired? Good for her! I plan to join her in the next year or two. Beate was, and is an awesome electrologist, and one of the people who supported me in learning the trade some years ago.She will be missed.
I’m afraid I dont know anyone else in Germany with similar skills. but I did want to wish Beate all the best for an awesome retirement.

Just like Beate, I too am encouraging more transpeople to take up electrology., and recently instructed and trained for Swansons electrologist Sasha Sharp. It’s my hope that when I do go Sasha is able to take over where I left off, helping the local Ontario transgender community as only an electrologist that is transgender themselves is able to.Replace us? Well none of us can truly be replaced.We can however encourage and teach the lessons to a new generation of electrologists and help our patrons forever by dong so.

To all those “Rockstar electrologists” out there, people like Beate, Michael, JAmes, yup you too Dee, we get to add new names like Kelly , Nora Stephanie and others. We’re passing the torch, and one day, you will need to do the same. Some of you already are.
