I have a few questions about removing coarse beard hair.
Firstly, thank-you wholeheartedly to all who contribute to this forum; been reading on/off for years.
So I am having my beard hair removed via electrolysis. I previously tried laser - GentleLase Alexandrite at high levels - but it’s not working on dark ginger hair (although it does on the finer chest hair!)
So as to have regular electro appointments, I am using 3 electrologists. They all use a Rayvue machine as per http://www.elegans.com.au/beauty-products-electrolysis.html
They look like pretty old school machines but I figure they do the job.
MY DRAMA is this: We started with my upper neck and jaw area where I have subsequently had terrible in-grown hair problems - big cysts, welts, redness and pussy acne that lasts for several weeks. Red marks like those take about 4 months or more to fade. I am not too keen on my whole beard area ending up like that!
I’ve been informed by all 3 pros that to remove beard hair can take several zaps for each hair.
Q1: Does that sound right re: multiple zaps are required? Feedback welcome.
Q2: Would a more modern machine speed up the process? (I’d have to travel to Sydney 400 kms away for more modern machines).
So as to avoid ending up a bigger mess of red scars from in-growns and acne I have asked them to not tweeze the hair out after zapping; to just zap the hair and leave it in.
Now my skin is coping much better.
Q3: Would the dead hairs fall out of their own accord after a few weeks - like they do with laser?
We’ve completed about one zap of the whole beard area; 2 zaps for the neck and jaw area; took about 25 hours.
I’ve read here that it’s traditionally ideal to clear an area (zap and tweeze out the hairs) and then get the newer hairs as they come out. I understand the logic in that.
My alternative plan - which I’d appreciate any feedback on - is to have the whole area zapped about 4 times before we next attempt removal.
Q4: Does this sound like the most sensible course of action considering my reaction? Feedback welcome.
As you can appreciate I want to avoid the in-growns and the long-term scarring from those.
Any other feedback is most welcome.
best wishes to all, Robert
PS - Reason I am doing this is because I usually suffer terrible shaving rashes and in-growns/acne, as I have coarse curly hair. I’ve tried every which way or other over 20 years to shave but am sick of it! The problems from shaving greatly limits what I can do socially so am looking to be free long-term from the chore and pain of shaving regularly.