Red spots two days after treatment. Normal?

I’m about 36 hours post-laser (first treatment). I had the bikini area done.

Some areas have small red dots around the hairs, but on my upper thighs I have larger, red bumps (some slightly smaller than a dime). They don’t bother me, but there they are.

The area still feels slightly sunburn’ish (very slightly).

The laser was a LightSheer and was on a low setting (but still hurt, lol). In fact, now I’m worried it was too low to do any good (12), but I’ll worry about that another time. I’m more concerned about this “reaction” and whether or not it’s going to cause problems for future treatments.

12 jouls? If that so, i believe the machine can go as high as 120 or so (not saying that anyone should go that far)

What is your skin type? Are you tanned? Sounds like you are either too dark or too tanned for a diode.

I’m very pale. I rarely tan and burn very easily (and do not have a tan now).

From what I can find, it sounds like a histamine reaction (I have rather sensitive skin). I’ve been putting cortisone on it and it’s nearly gone. Ironically, the area that has/had the bumps was one of the areas where it didn’t hurt much.

The area that hurt the most was in the “middle” of the bikini area where the hair is dense, dark and coarse, which I suppose makes sense.

The lady that did mine used the same machine on herself and has skin color / hair color and texture very similar to mine. She said she started at 10 (joules) and ended up in the low 20’s.

There is a rare case i noticed for LHR which can cause like an allergic reaction after a treatment.

The professionals i talked with said this is a very RARE thing which they have no explanation to and it seems to happen without any notice, no matter what skin type and no matter which number of treatment it was and people who had that once, didn’t see the same reaction at their next treatment.

I’ve seen that happen on i think 2 clients out of about 500, it seemed serious but wasn’t there after the next treatment.

If that is the same thing that happened to you then you have nothing to worry, but i guess it wouldn’t be a bad idea to see a doctor.

Yes, it could be a histamine reaction. Taking an anti-histamine beforehand should help in the future.

I wouldn’t be treated on anything under 20J on a diode, even with a low pulse.

I’ll definitely have her raise the settings next time (and take a benedryl).
