Red Marks

I have been getting electrolysis on my breast for a year now and I would say I’m 40% there on each breast-I have just changed electricians. I have very fair skin on the breast area and I see that there are either red or brownish hyperpigmentation where the probe went. For the red dot marks it looks like under the skin, for the darker marks, it seems like hyperpigmentation. The areas I’m referring to haven’t been treated in about 3 months. Will these go away? Is there an ointment I can use to speed up the process?

It’s hard to advise anything when there are no pictures and without more details on how your treatment went. Do you know what mode your practitioner used (thermolysis, galvanic or blend)? What aftercare product did you use? Was there any scabbing formed after each session? If there was scabbing - how severe was it?
Did you have any inflammation or infection on the treatment area? How many sessions did you have?
All I can guess is that the spots/hyperpigmentation might be due to over-treatment. Usually, it goes away by itself but it might take several months.