Recommended Electrolysis books.

Hi everyone.
As a begginer on Professional Electrolysis, which “must read” books would you recommend me, if any?

I was told to look for the Michael Bono´s: “The Blend Method” but it´s not easy to find (only used in Amazon).

Thanks again.

Are you a beginner electrologist or just getting treatments from an electrologist? You don’t need to read anything if you’re not the one performing treatments. And if you are, you need education than just reading a book about it.

Hi LAgirl.
I guess I should have explained my situation before. Sorry about that.

I´m a begginer electrologist and I´ve already finished my studies on aesthetics, including Electrology. The point is that here in Spain, Electrolysis treatments are not as extended as they are in the US or in UK. Electrolysis is considered by most people just as a painful and out-of-date hair removal method. Maybe that´s why training on it is so light here.

I´ve talked with some of the few good professionals in Spain, I´ve read this forum and others and I´ve become a “believer” on Electrolysis. I don´t know whether I´ll became a good professional or not, but I want to try. That´s why I´m looking for books that let me complement and extend my knowlegde.

I´ll be very grateful with your support and advices.

Unless he decides to redo the book, or go to an electronic format, the original version of the book is only available as a used book. The current edition is updated, but also has fewer pages and chapters.

The next most highly recommended book is Meharg & Richard’s Cosmetic and Medical Electrolysis/Electrology. It has 2 editions as well. The second edition is much more colorful but is not much different from the first in content.

Next up, Fino Gior’s Modern Electrolysis. The current edition is only sold in paperback, but older editions have a hardcover option. Again, not much difference in the current edition and the last hardcover produced.

Hinkel’s Electrolysis, Thermolysis and The Blend is next. A good book but has some outdated information regarding thermolysis.

There really isn’t any text that really teaches how to make the most of the best technology in electrolysis treatments available today.

I´ll look for some of those. I´m sure they´ll be useful for me.
Thanks James!!

Your biggest goal would probably be getting insertions done correctly so that you actually kill the hair and with as few side effects as possible. That will mostly require practice.

I agree, no book can teach you “the feel” you need to develop in order to do this work correctly. I have had students who learned in 30 days to do insertions well, and yet, I have had others who did not get it right for a year.

What many schools that I have visited do in the early stages is to have the student practice insertions on their own leg. This gives them feedback on how it feels for both the practitioner and the person being worked on.

Concentrate on just the insertion in the beginning. Since doing the insertion correctly lowers the needed treatment energy and delivers more comfortable treatments. If you do the insertion slowly, you will notice that as you get close to the bottom of the follicle, the sensation of heat increases. If you push too far, you will feel a pinch as you poke, or worse yet, pierce the bottom of the follicle. You only have to pierce the follicle a few times to learn not to do that on yourself anymore. :wink:

Of course practice is the first step to get good insertion skill what is the most important thing. My husband is hairy enough, so I´m going to practice a lot during the next months. :wink:
Anyway, I like the idea of practicing on myself either, especially now at the beginning.


While we’re all on the topic of overly-deep insertions, how do you know if you’re inserting too deeply? The teacher at the school says the skin will dimple, but is there another way to tell? My own galvanic on my arm has gone very well, and the results were terrific, but all my insertions seemed awfully deep compared to the professional insertions. Some tiny hairs were shallow, but most of my arms hairs seemed way too deep.

What happens is I never feel any resistance, the entire length of the probe can slide right in and not hit a “bottom” and I never feel any sensation so I don’t believe I’m piercing through the follicle. I tried copying the shallow insertions they do at the school, but the galvanic current just sucks the probe in all the way no matter what.

Whatever I’m doing it worked, but I don’t want to have sloppy insertions when I move on to blend or thermolysis.

The feel will also depend on the type of needle used, and the size of the needle. I find one piece needles give better feedback than two piece (but for me the two piece needles were easier to insert when I first started.)

The better your magnification, the larger the needle you can insert accurately. With my microscope, I can fit a needle 1 or 2 sizes larger than the hair; the bigger the needle you can accurately insert into a follicle the better the feedback you can get.

On the bright side, it is better to over insert than under insert, since under insertion is more likely to cause scarring.

Really? Haha, well that’s sort of comforting. I’m probably burning small holes into the muscles of my arms or something, but at least no scarring. :stuck_out_tongue:

I haven’t ordered all the parts for the instantron yet, so I was talking about the one-touch machine with the spring disabled (I assume the feel is similar to a one-piece probe and the probes are VERY thick).

I would like to say something about the book by Michael Bono.

In my opinion, this fantastic book never should have been titled “The Blend method”.
The title should be “Electrology” without more. Because this exceptional text, it is still relevant today.
Of course, it can be modernized in some aspects, such as improving the system has experienced Flash.

But the essence of the technique of Electrology is included in this book. The illustrations, drawings, references, photographs are truly worthy of a great teacher.
If all of these reasons are not enough to tilt our head to the genius that is Bono, there is a greater weight ratio: Bono does not use euphemisms to call everything by its name.

I take this opportunity gives me this thread to say once again, Mr. Bono: Thank you.

I second the motion!

My dear friend Michael wanted to write the definitive book on The Blend, and convince everyone to use the blend. In the process, he wrote a book that explains galvanic, thermolysis, and blend to a great extent. I tell everyone that if you need a book to take you from no information at all, to being able to do this, Bono’s is the book to buy. (because Bo Knows :wink: ps, sorry Jossy, that is a joke only older US people like me would get, look up on google football player Bo Jackson)

Bo knows everything.

James, the chapter will Smith with Bo Jackson, has been in Spain a dozen times. :wink:

Is this book available anywhere?

Apparently the new editions are a smaller version of the original book. If anyone is crazy enough to want to sell your used copy, you can buy second hand. Luckily I went lucky enough to find one. :grin:

AFAIK, there is almost no chance to buy it 2nd hand.

BTW: it is still on the list of books offered by Instantron. But asking Iris Gminski (in her function as german sales partner of instantron) it is not available.

T.E.S. sells the 2nd edition and they ship internationally.

I am still looking for a copy of the first edition myself. :slight_smile: