Really good electro?. Location not important...

Greetings All.

I live somewhat off the beaten path. Specifically, Alaska.

I have tried a number of electrologists here, with what I feel are very slow results. Results are there, but the rate of clearance seems very slow. After reading this forum and looking back on treatments, I see a pattern to the practitioners here. Equipment from the late seventies and big round lighted magnifiers. I suspect this sort of thing is better for dealing with their regular clientele, nuking a few stray hairs from an eyebrow or chin as opposed to clearing large areas.

Since I have limited choice here, and going anywhere involves flying, where should I go? The northwest, Canada, and Mexico are simply preferences. From here, the air fare for differing locations is not that great.

Ideas, please?


I hope you get lots of replies with lots of recommendations.

It would help if you pointed out what areas you are looking to clear, and what kind of timetable you have set for clearance.

Electrolysis didn’t all of a sudden start working effectively in the year 2007. If all you have are practitioners using old equipment, keep in mind that as long as the equipment is working and the practioner isn’t blind and can do a good insertion, then you will finish treatment, even if later rather than sooner. Keep in mind that if you have a hormone issue or if you are in transition, you will have to be extra patient.

If you want to travel for treatment, and you’re looking at either Mexico or Canada, you are better off in Canada where electrologists are regulated and licensed.

Good Luck.