Rapid Electrolysis

Has anyone encountered a technique of rapid electrolysis whereby the patient is worked on by several electrolistists at once?

I came across this on the net a while ago, but have not found it since.

Apparently it involves either local or full anasthetic and several operatives working on different areas of the face.

It would be great to be able to remove facial hair in far fewer sessions, because you could have longer sessions and the multiple operatives reduce the time further.

yes, this is often discussed here, although it’s mostly helpful for those treating a large area. i’m wondering how much hair you have on your face as a woman that you would need something like this? this is usually better for a transsexual person looking to remove a full beard…if you do really have that much, have you looked into the cause of it?

Hi yes that’s correct I am a transsexual woman and I am currently undergoing electrolysis treatment, which is proving to be painfully slow!

I am new to this Forum, so are you able to give the names of any clinics or could you direct me to the appropriate threads?

It’s Electrology 2000 (or Electrology 3000 now I believe) in Texas. But have a good read through all the threads before making a decision. After all, you could pour car battery acid on your face to get rid of the hairs in seconds but your skin wouldn’t look so good, so speed shouldn’t be your only concern. However sometimes there is just no other way for certain individuals and these places are a real help for them.

Thanks Pam,

I’m doing a lot of research. I think there are some faster systems about now, but I won’t make a decision until I am reasonable sure that it is suitable and safe.

It’s Electrology 2000 (or Electrology 3000 now I believe) in Texas. But have a good read through all the threads before making a decision. After all, you could pour car battery acid on your face to get rid of the hairs in seconds but your skin wouldn’t look so good, so speed shouldn’t be your only concern. However sometimes there is just no other way for certain individuals and these places are a real help for them.

Hi KateB,
Is it ok if I ask a few questions?
What method is being used on your face? How often and how long is each session? How many months have you been going in for treatment?

If you are trying to clear all the surface hairs from your beard area in one weekend, you have to be prepared for more post-treatment skin reaction. It is possible to do this, but it certainly is not easy on the client.

what is your skin and hair color? starting with a few laser treatments could also help given suitable circumstances. you also didn’t provide your location, so it’s impossible to make recommendations for places near you.

Hi Lisa,

I understand that there will be trauma to my skin, but I understand it should clear up in a couple of weeks after treatment.

I know of two companies that will carry out rapid clearance. One is based in Dallas in Texas and the other in Bufallo in New York state.

Do you know any others; location is unimportant as I’m prepared to travel.



Hi KateB,
Is it ok if I ask a few questions?
What method is being used on your face? How often and how long is each session? How many months have you been going in for treatment?

If you are trying to clear all the surface hairs from your beard area in one weekend, you have to be prepared for more post-treatment skin reaction. It is possible to do this, but it certainly is not easy on the client.


I have light skin and blonde/fair hair, so as far as I can tell; laser will not be effective.

what is your skin and hair color? starting with a few laser treatments could also help given suitable circumstances. you also didn’t provide your location, so it’s impossible to make recommendations for places near you.