Couple months ago i got hairline lowering procedure and the surgeon lowered it more than i asked and left me with a very squared 2 head. He lowered it 3cm. It doesnt match the rest of my face. Im a female btw
I wanted to get 1.5 - 2cm removed from the center to round it out and raise it. I know i’ll have a huge scar across my forehead from the surgery but it can be covered with makeup. What would be the best approach? do a couple laser sessions then finish it off with electrolysis or just do electrolysis?
i did have a consult for electrolysis but the woman has never done a hairline before so she didnt have any answers for me. I actually dont think theres anyone in my area who has done hairlines but its a risk im willing to take to get some confidence back
Im hoping this whole process will take less than 2 years