Sorry that sounds clueless. I have actually spent lots of time reading over these boards and printing out the questions to ask my electrologist. I was considering laser but it really sounds like electrolysis has a far better chance to make me happy in the long run <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> I owe that to all the great posters here, thank you.
My problem is this: most seem to start with face areas, then may move on to larger or “private” areas. I am mainly concerned with bikini area. Is that strange?
Is there anything to know, or anything different, about treating this area? I dont want a brazilian or anything. I just want to be able to wear a swimsuit in public. Are there any sort of “standards” for what areas get cleared (sorry if that makes no sense), or is it just something my elec. and I will work out as we go along?
If I can get a test patch done, where would it be done? I certainly dont expect it to be bikini area “on the first date” so to speak <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />
Is there any benefit to starting out electrolysis with a different area? For me, it sounds best to start with the bikini area anyway (in case of problems) since that area already doesn’t see the light of day. sigh
Any suggestions are appreciated.