
So my session using the galvanic method had caused an orange lesion quite thick, pretty much instantly. I saw it’s called “serum” or “blood serum” so today is day 2 and I was carefully cleaning my skin. I saw it said on here to clean it with tea tree, so gently, I dabbed with a cotton pad and the whole thing just came off!!??? It didn’t hurt or bleed or weep from what I can tell, if it did weep a tiny bit.

I was horrified!! I was being as gentle as I could possibly be. Underneath is slightly red, but so is the rest of the treated areas and a few pustules underneath, but the rest of my skin is also looking pretty alike with pustules too, the area just looks a bit more shiny. It seems okay somehow… reading about pigment loss and indents and stuff has me a little concerned. Hyper pigmentation not worried about as it’ll go. I’m just hoping the area will heal, it’s concerning It came off day 2. I’m hoping that as the scab came off pretty easily it’s not going to be too bad as it didn’t rip or tug:/ not sure. I cleaned it immediately of course. It was quite a big, round patch too that looked about the size of a pea outwardly and a little bigger surface area… since there’s pustules underneath that are still okay. galvanic so it’s not normal scabs, I’m hoping it’ll just cause a little redness for a bit longer…

Sorry if i sound ignorant, advice would be greatly appreciated. (Is it possible I could lose pigment in my skin or orange peel affect)

So today it looks okay, the redness has gone, hopefully it’s fine from here :pray: