Hey everyone. I know it seems like most people say you put EMLA on for an hour usually wrapped in Saran wrap and then do the treatment. I had my second electrolysis session today on my stomach and found it incredibly painful. She said if I can handle the pain she can work really fast. It was fine but wasn’t pleasant.
I asked her if 30 minutes is enough to clear the patch of hair on my lower back and she said it is BUT that it’s a very sensitive area and that I’d really need numbing cream. She told me EMLA from her is $10 and I asked if I’m supposed to come an hour early etc. She said no that I buy it and put it on at home, that I RUB it in an hour before. I always thought you didn’t rub EMLA in but just caked it on thick on the surface. Is that a bad idea? Area is probably 5"x5". Thanks!