Question about Thermolysis Swelling & Crackling

Hey Everyone,

So, I just had my first thermolysis consult on my chin this Wednesday. Everything went well, wasn’t painful, redness went away after a couple of hours, no scabbing. However, I have some questions/concerns that I was hoping you could help me out with

  1. I still have some swelling, it’s really minor and not noticeable to the eye but I can feel it when I touch my chin. I was wondering how long swelling should typically last? And at what point I should be concerned?

  2. I heard crackling once or twice. From what I’ve gleaned on the internet crackling is often due to a high frequency blow out and some other sources have mentioned moisture on the skin. If there’s a high frequency blowout, would the effects be noticeable on my skin immediately or would my skin look completely normal and the effects would be seen much later (like months later)?

I was also wondering about tenderness. A portion of my chin where she performed the thermolysis is still tender although it looks normal. Umm … how long should tenderness last?

There can be redness and swelling that last a few days. Always tell your electrologist. Did she suggest or give you some ice to use that day or witch hazel for a few hours???

Once or twice is not uncommon, and most electrologists would immediately evaluate what caused it to avoid it. You should not see any effects later from this.

Are you very tender skinned? Were the insertions painful? My thoughts would be that skin tenderness 3 days later is either from a very sensitive client or from insertions that you would have noticed as painful (outside the follicle).

Hey Barbara,

  1. She gave me ice, but I only applied it for like 10 minutes and then went home and I didn’t apply ice at home (I guess I probably should have done that). But, I’ve been applying ice for the last day or so and the swelling has reduced.

  2. I wouldn’t consider myself to be tender skinned and the insertions were not painful. I mean, I obviously felt the insertions but they did not cause me any extreme pain or anything. So, I guess the tenderness is a bit odd to me. I should note that the tenderness is not the entire area where performed the thermolysis just a portion of it.