Question about chin hair and scarring post electrolysis

Thank you so much for giving me hope!

She was so lucky to find you, Josefa!

Would you treat me? I’ll be in Malaga at the beginning of March for one week (first week of March).

Do you know of a good electrologist in Belgium?

How can I know if my electrologist is good? When I epilate with tweezers, the hair is difficult to pull off. It is as if it was glued inside with superglue. The hairs on other parts of my body come easily off with tweezers.

Here some photos of my chin. There’s little hair because I’ve epilated many before making appointment with the new electrologist. I’ve shaved 24 h ago. How long do they need to be for electrolysis? I’m seeing the new one on Tuesday.

Any tips on how to hide hair while it is long? I’ll have to go to work with the hair on my chin.

Is it ok to discolor hair before electrolysis?

Thank you Josefa and everybody who so generously gave me answers.


Hi Hope_hair, I’ll send you a private message.

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Michael makes a masterful explanation in his series of videos about the healing process.

The dead space left by the destruction of the follicle is densely filled with new capillaries that can sometimes be broken instantaneously or by a small blow. That fragility is temporary until the dead space is filled with a new collagen much denser than usual.

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That actually solves the timing issue…perfectly.

I’d like to thank you all again and make an update.

I’ve had my appointment on Tuesday. This appointment had been made before I joined this site. I had booked 10 min and read it would be only 5 of actual treating hair on the website, but the electrologist just kept going.

I should have told her to stop, but it is impossible for me to be rational when someone seems to be determined to help me get rid of this hair.

About 30 min later, she stopped. When I got up and looked in the mirror, all the hair seemed to be gone! I was surprised! The other electrologist I’d seen years ago only did a few hairs here and there at each appointment.

I felt no pain. She used a Sequentium VMC machine and I had to hold an electrode during the treatment.

I thought she would have done, say, 1/5 of the treatable hair in those 30 min. After she stopped, she told me she couldn’t do some of them, because they were too short.

I can’t fault anyone who tries to help me. I only feel gratitude. There’s a possibility I’ll need to see a local electrologist again, because some hairs will only appear in months from now. With that in mind, I’ll appreciate any comments you can give me. Here are some pictures:

I’m concerned about the amount of scabbing I see in this picture, in particular, two largish scabs on the chin. I think it will heal well, but the use of an insulated probe and carefully controlled energy levels can completely prevent results like this.
Please do update us as time goes on as to how this heals up.


Yes, IIuv2zap, that’s what an angel told me, too.

If the treatment works, I wouldn’t mind scars, but of course I hope I won’t develop them. I’ll post more pictures when something changes and when the healing is done. I think they may help others like me to have examples of reactions and to see the differences between good and bad treatment.

Can you judge by the pictures if the treatment should work on these hairs that were done? I mean, is the scab enough, or almost enough, to indicate that the treatment of these hairs was enough to destroy them for good?

I’ve read a post of Bono about a client of his taking a long bath after treatment and that prevented scabs forming. It was a very old post I’ve found when I’ve searched the word scab in the search engine of this forum. Would that work on my face, if I ever need to see this electrologist again?

Normally, how long do such scabs take to fall off? I had much worse ones years ago with the other electrologist, but I don’t remember how long it took them to disappear.

It seems an angel will help me get rid of this hair, but the angel is in another country. I imagine even after treated by the angel, hairs that are not showing will eventually appear and I’ll have to treat them with this electrologist from here. That’s why I’m trying to find out if what she did on Tuesday looks like it’s gonna work.

Thank you again for helping!

Oh I know an angel when I see one and what she does, is, beyond words it is so wonderful. I’ve got a very deep respect for your angel.
As for the results of the local treatment, well, I cant be so sure. But a little side trip in say about 5 months to see your angel one anew , will get you closer to the goal that I know for certain. In the meantime, no touching, no shaving, no waxing.

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Some of the larger scabs seem to be caused by digging for ingrowns, which can happen if you’ve been plucking. That can be common early on, but I’d be sure to do all the skincare steps.

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I cant really tell you much from the scabs themselves. Any scabbig should be very small, the size of a pinhead at most and these are much more than that. while normally scabs should fall off within a week some may take a bit longer than that . There’ nothing I can tell from that though as to the effectiveness of the treatment


Thank you very much!

I have an urgent question: I don’t want to shave to have the maximum hair growth and surface for my next treatment. Does anyone know how to better disguise it with make up, or something? I’ve never worn make up and don’t have any, but I can buy some if this can help disguise me. Thank you in advance!

About 1/5 of the scabs fell off on day 4 (day 1 is the day of the treatment, last Tuesday February 19th). The pictures below are of this morning, 25/2/19, day 7.

I’m posting them in case someone in my situation come looking for an example (good, or bad).

I haven’t noticed any hair growing at the places where there were scabs. But now, as they disappear, it’ll be difficult to know.

Thank you, Andrea.

I’d like to thank you for creating this forum! It is a lighthouse in a dark night for people like me.

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These are good for immediately after:

I recommend going to a Sephora or similar store for recommendations between sessions. Many have an option where they will do a makeover if you buy a set amount of the products.

Because you have broken skin after treatment, it’s probably good to use a triple antibiotic ointment before using a cream base with good coverage. Be sure you work very clean when you apply the makeup - wash your hands and applicators.

Ask your practitioner to focus on dark hairs followed by light-colored coarse shiny hairs. They are hardest to kill and most visible.

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Thank you, Andrea.

I’ve followed your advice and went to a make up place where they help you find the products and teach you how to apply them.

The lady who helped me is having laser treatment on her face and is very unhappy with it. We exchanged experiences. Luckily, she has no chin hair. She’ll inform more about electrolysis. I suspect what she’s having is IPL, not laser!

She found me a concealer that hid a lot of the hair, but it was the end of my lunch break and she told me to go back with more time to find the perfect one.

I’m posting two pictures taken yesterday: with the concealer and after washing my face at the end of the day (same day). The difference is amazing. However, with longer hair, it won’t really hide it.

I’m also posting today’s pictures. Lots of long hairs. I won’t do anything (no shaving, no trimming) to have them ready for my next treatment. Two days ago (Monday), I’ve trimmed them short with scissors for the last time.

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That looks great when covered up! The good news is that over time you will not need as much coverage, and the coarse hairs will not pop through. Stick with it! :grinning:

Hello! I’m newbie here and idk yet how this forum works but if you can help me it would be awesome!

I am currently doing electro on my face (cheeks, chin area and so on) and getting good results, but as soon as I have to redo the electro session the next couple of days my skin has some kind of reaction and I get cystic acne. or it seems cystic acne at least, cause it’s all pus inside but to be honest, my skin usually doesn’t breakout so wondering if it 's pimples or what is it . On the other side I’d like to know if there is any way to prevent this. As soon as my skin calm ( later at night ) I use a foam gel (for sensitive skin) and I apply aloe vera. But I don’t know if I do it wrong or why I breakout!

Any idea?

Some kind of contaminant to the area…
Is the electrologist cleansing the skin with witch hazel or alcohol prior to working? Are they wearing gloves? Is it a new needle each time? The other podssibility is you may be experincing a metallurgical reacction to the nicle in stanless stel probes. A Gold probe gets around this.

Always with alcohol prior to working but use same needle (it’s my needle lol). Is that the problem?

that IS a problem.
Needles are cheap ad MUST be new to comply with health regulations.

Isolating needles for repeat use is not appropriate procedure. Many years ago I had two clients, each with the same first and last name. The possibility of a mix up is not worth the risk. A new (sterile) needle must be used with each treatment.