Thank you so much for giving me hope!
She was so lucky to find you, Josefa!
Would you treat me? I’ll be in Malaga at the beginning of March for one week (first week of March).
Do you know of a good electrologist in Belgium?
How can I know if my electrologist is good? When I epilate with tweezers, the hair is difficult to pull off. It is as if it was glued inside with superglue. The hairs on other parts of my body come easily off with tweezers.
Here some photos of my chin. There’s little hair because I’ve epilated many before making appointment with the new electrologist. I’ve shaved 24 h ago. How long do they need to be for electrolysis? I’m seeing the new one on Tuesday.
Any tips on how to hide hair while it is long? I’ll have to go to work with the hair on my chin.
Is it ok to discolor hair before electrolysis?
Thank you Josefa and everybody who so generously gave me answers.