I’m 49 years old and I’ve always had hair on my chin. On my whole body, but I want to talk about my chin, because it is what really disturbs me.
It had gotten worse with the years and I’d decided to try something. A few years ago, I’ve done electrolysis, LPL and laser on it and it got worse. I’ve read that LPL and laser could make it worse, but I didn’t know it at the time.
Laser and LPL i won’t try again, of course. But I’d like to try electrolysis again.
The problem: the electrologist inserted the probe and activated the device. After a few seconds, or fractions of a second, I don’t know, he stopped it and tried to take the hair out with tweezers. The hair wouldn’t come. So he would insert the probe again and try with higher setting/longer time. It took a lot for the hair to finally come off.
It was very painful and I’d cry quietly sometimes, but ask him to continue, because I was so desperate to get rid of the hair.
He could only do a few hairs, he would tell me, because of scarring. Anyway, I did get scars. I didn’t really mind. I hate this hair so much, I’ve considered burning my chin with alcohol. I’d prefer a scar than the hair.
After several treatments, he told me he thought we should stop, because there was no noticeable change. Indeed, I had the scars and the hair.
I don’t blame him. Perhaps he did something wrong, but I know he cared and really wanted to help.
I think my hair is too thick. When I epilate it with tweezers, most hair will break instead of coming off.
I’m desperate to get rid of it and decided to try electrolysis again. Perhaps another electrologist will know what to do to make it better. Perhaps with the years my hormones are more favorable. I hope. I’m in menopause.
I have to shave everyday. By the evening, I need to shave again. I can’t always epilate, because it is very time consuming.
When I shave my chin, one can see lots of dark spots where the hair is. It is so dark and thick, that you can see it buried in the pore (after shaving). Imagine a man with a very thick beard after shaving. You can see the black dots. It is also full of bumps. It really looks horrible. Shaving irritates my skin.
My question: is there hope for me?
I live in Belgium. I’m going to Malaga on vacation for a week in March. I’ll see a new electrologist in Brussels next Tuesday. I’ve read about Josefa Reina, in Malaga, but can’t find her phone number to try to get a consultation.
If I could get rid of my chin hair, at least the thick ones, it would change my life.
Should I try DIY electrolysis? What should I do?
Is there a kind of surgery to get rid of hair?
Thank you for any help.!