Yes, IIuv2zap, that’s what an angel told me, too.
If the treatment works, I wouldn’t mind scars, but of course I hope I won’t develop them. I’ll post more pictures when something changes and when the healing is done. I think they may help others like me to have examples of reactions and to see the differences between good and bad treatment.
Can you judge by the pictures if the treatment should work on these hairs that were done? I mean, is the scab enough, or almost enough, to indicate that the treatment of these hairs was enough to destroy them for good?
I’ve read a post of Bono about a client of his taking a long bath after treatment and that prevented scabs forming. It was a very old post I’ve found when I’ve searched the word scab in the search engine of this forum. Would that work on my face, if I ever need to see this electrologist again?
Normally, how long do such scabs take to fall off? I had much worse ones years ago with the other electrologist, but I don’t remember how long it took them to disappear.
It seems an angel will help me get rid of this hair, but the angel is in another country. I imagine even after treated by the angel, hairs that are not showing will eventually appear and I’ll have to treat them with this electrologist from here. That’s why I’m trying to find out if what she did on Tuesday looks like it’s gonna work.
Thank you again for helping!