Question about ALtus Coolglide

“The Nd:YAG laser has the longest wavelength of these 4 lasers and therefore penetrates the deepest into the skin. It is, therefore, theoretically the least likely of the 4 lasers to produce side effects in the superficial skin pigment. However, the original combination of Tar and this laser as utilized with the SoftLight™ process - was shown to produce complete hair regrowth 6 months after treatment. Long-term effectiveness of hair removal has been the problem in using the Nd:YAG, with, and subsequently without, a tar solution. There is not enough data to show that this laser can produce longer-term hair removal.”

Is this true???

None of the lasers out there have been proven to produce “longer-term hair removal”. One thing that applies to all Yag lasers though including this one is that Yags are meant for darker skin types, which means that they are not as powerful as the alexandrite or diode lasers (that is also why these more powerful ones can only be used on light skin – laser targets the dark pigment).

This is not the best Yag laser on the market either. If you’re a skin type IV or darker, an Elite Yag is considered one of the best Yag lasers on the market since it targets fine hair better on darker skin types, which other Yags don’t do very well at all.