After 3 years of shaving my neck, ive become seriously depressed with my appearance and have decided that now I really need to do something about it.
I have ingrown hairs and the dreaded ‘shadow’ on my neck which looks awful and even with an inch thick of make-up, its still noticeable. Im considering either laser treatment or electrolysis but at the moment a lack of money is stopping me from getting laser treatment. I have read a bit about electrolysis but would really appreciate some advice and some questions answered for me before I go ahead and book an appointment.
Will Electrolysis get rid of my ‘shadow’ and the ingrown hairs too?
Is there a good chance that the hairs could be removed permanently?
Is it painful? Im not at my best when it comes to needles!!
Would anyone recommended this hair removal treatment for someone who has ingrown hairs, a shadow and has shaved for over 3 years!!!
Please help!!