pulse width (GentleMax)

Please explain what will be the difference in pulse width (GentleMax, alex)?

Spot size 20 mm and energy of 16-18 j works good on me, but I never got to inquire about the pulse width.

My hair is medium-coarse, not very dark (but respond well to laser treatment). What pulse width will be optimal?

I know that GentleLase with its fixed 3 ms gave me much poor result than GentleMax. So I assume the pulse width could have been different (I can’t call the clinic and ask – it’s out of business).

Typically hair becomes less coarse as treatments progress. As a general rule, a lower pulse width is better as hair gets less coarse. So at the beginning of your treatments, you might start with pulse width of 20ms. By the 6th session the hair will most likely be less coarse and a pulse width of 5ms might be more suitable.

At least this is my understanding of the theory of pulse width. I don’t know how accurate this is in reality.