Pulse width and joules for really thick dark big hairs (eg armpit)?

I want some bikini line and armpit hair lasered off. They are almost black and very thick and dense. Tbh just thinking about lasering them hurts.

I already had my “normal sized” leg hairs lasered off with fucking amazing results using the settings: alex, 20J, 3ms pulse width and 18mm spot size. The machine was and will be GentleLase Pro-U from Candela. My Fitzpatrick is untanned, pale type 2. Hair is dark.

Should I increase pulse width for the big dark hairs? And then how should joules and spot change correspondingly? THANK YOU EVERYONE! Sorry I have to ask this but my treating DERM doesn’t seem to have a clue about the settings and I can’t trust her. Sad, I know.

@thinou if I could get your expertise that would be magnificent. The advice you’ve given me so far has been SPOT ON.