Progressive Epilation

Do all electrologist here, or people who are having blend treatments done, use or recieve this technique?

Just in Case:
Progressive epilation [in brief]: Gently pulling hair with needle while follicle is treated, when follicle is fully treated hair is released.

Curious because I’ve heard you aren’t even using blend without this technique.

Progressive epilation is the name for several techniques. The definitions will vary, depending on who is talking about it.

I have heard of it as the technique you describe. Either with blend or galvanic, where the electrologist is tugging at the hair while the current is still being applied to the follicle. When the hair is out, then the filament is still in the skin applying current without the hair. It is a very good technique.

Blend is not ALWAYS used with this technique, and it still works.

I don’t use it and I do blend with fabulous results for both permanency and skin condition. It is a well-respected technique, but there are other well-respected techniques that work, also.


Curious because I’ve heard you aren’t even using blend without this technique.

That is just one of the tennets of one of the many “electrolysis religions” that you will encounter as you get many opinions and sample treatments.

You can get good blend treatments even without utilizing “progressive epilaion techniques” and your practitioner is not short changing you in some evil conspiracy should you not be given this type of work.

Great response James. Isn’t it the truth? Sometimes people act as if there IS an evil conspiracy!

Loved it!