Progesterone, DHT, and Body Hair

Has anyone had any luck using progesterone in its natural form (ie Prometrium) to help reduce body hair? I had an orchiectomy a few years ago, and while my body hair has thinned out, I still have too much. Finasteride, I think, helped reduce it even more but caused severe fatigue so I had to stop taking it. I’ve noticed online that progesterone ALSO reduces DHT (some say better than finasteride does) so, theoretically, it should help with DHT-induced body hair growth, as well as prevent the loss of scalp hair. Needless to say, I also take estrogen in the form of Vivelle Dot patches. Finally, what dose should I be on? Prometrium comes in 100 and 200 mg doses. I know my doctor won’t mind prescribing it.


No one?

WeRNotAfraid, I was googling “progesterone dht” and came across your lonely post here. I too take finasteride (in low dose, 5mg M/W/F) but, being older and high risk for prostate cancer, for entirely different reasons. I am also transgender and am under the impression too that what you say makes a lot of sense.

I am looking at Microgest (which is a generic Prometrium).

Any results to report since this post? From what I can gather 200 to 400mg/day is more normal (very short 1/2 life) - inhibiting DHT leads to more free T (and in my case ultimately less production) and I’ve also read where “The presence of the progesterone makes estrogen receptors more sensitive” but then again I’ve heard where taking P also leads to an increased need for E, almost double, to maintain the same levels?

So who knows? See HERE

Worth Further Investigation Kiera