problem with laser

Hi- I went for my first laser treatment 2 weeks ago and now I have many little black dots under my skin. I am not crazy about the laser place I chose, and am thinking of either switching to a new place or to electrolysis. However, I won’t switch until these little dots fall out. Any ideas on how long that will take? Can another laser pop them out?
Thank you!

It can take 3 weeks for all the dots to go away.

You should not have electrolysis in the treated area for at least 6 weeks anyhow.

Most electrolysis treatments leave only redness and maybe swelling that goes away in a matter of hours, or days. Only those who experience scabs or pigment change have anything that lasts longer than a week.

relax, that’s normal.

If you want to have another Laser treatment or switch to laser, you will need to wait a while, at least 8 weeks, and the time you can see the hair.

Hi James- thanks for your response. I have been going for two years now to an electrologist I trust very much and who does fast good work. I never experienced scarring on my face, but when she started to work on my legs, I did. She said this is completely normal ans that they fade within 2 months. My impression is that as good as the electrologist is, temporary scars on the legs is inevitable.

Hi- are you saying it might take EIGHT weeks for these dots to go away? Yikes!

Hi- are you saying it might take EIGHT weeks for these dots to go away? Yikes!
No. But my suggested gap between Laser and electrolysis.