I have suffered from female hirtulism since puberty and have therefore always had a very poor body image. Since my anorexia has taken a turn for the worst in the past few years I have decided it is time to insist on trying some sort of hormone therapy in order to improve my self respect. I have asked for help several times but have always been told the hirtulism is typical of my ethnic origin or it is caused by my anorexia. I did order a tube of vaniqa once and it was very impressive but too expensive so I shall try to find out if it is available on the british national health service. I also self-medicated 200mg per day of spirolactone a few years ago (they also happen to be diuretics!) but didnt notice any difference. Dianette and Yasmin are amongst the many contraceptive pills I have tried but yet again, have not found them to be of any use to my out of controll hair growth. Are there any other prescription medications that would be appropriate for me to try?
I would appreciate any suggestions,
Thanks, Misty