PPx Laser??? Am I missing something?

Hello all,

I am searching the web for laser treatment centers in Toronto. I like Lightsheer diode because I have light skin and dark hair (if other lasers are better please let me know).

Anyway, I am booking consultations and I see on this sight a laser called “Aesthera PPx,” where the skin is actually pulled into a vacuum of sorts and that part of the skin is blasted with light.

Has anyone heard of this?

But, more importantly, does anyone know of any good Laser centers with decent rates in Toronto? I’ve been dooped twice before, but I do believe laser works (my past practitioners, however, I am not certain about).

LightSheer is not bad for light skin in good hands. An alexandrite like GentleLASE would be even better.

PPX has been discussed here before. Run a search. Best to stay away from it as you will find out reading past feedback.

Also, run a search for “Toronto” and you’ll find previous discussions and clinic recommendations. Make sure to do an Advanced Search and expand the options to at least 1 year back.

Hiya, the diode is a good laser to use and some here have had good results. Although, in my personal opinion, if you have dark hair and light skin (Skin type I II or a cross between II and III) the Alexanderlite lasers are very good. The GentleLase is one of the most recent models and very successful, if used on the correct hair and skin type. The whole concept with Alexanderlite lasers is that they target pigment, hence why light skin is great (as the laser won’t attack it) and dark hair (so the laser focuses in on that, the darker the hair the better).

In regards to the PPX laser, I have never heard of that. Maybe giving them an email and asking whether it is an IPL or a actual laser could yield some results. Although a safe bet is definatly the Alexanderlite or diode.

Hope this helps,

Thank you both very much. I am currently looking for an alexandrite laser in my area as well. I will certainly keep an eye out for the GentleLASE, lagirl.

As a follow up lagirl, what settings would you suggest on a alex laser like the GentleLASE for a male with dark hair, 2-3 skin type and who has had 7 treatments with a Lightsheer within the last year.

The highest setting on it is 20 joules on 18mm spot size. I would use the 18mm spot size and try to keep joules as high as your skin can safely handle it. Btw, I hope most of the hair that remains is coarse. That type of hair is the kind that will be affected. There are many Toronto discussions on the cosmetic enhancements forum. Run a search there as well. Google it.

My experience with the PPx is that it does not do permanent hair removal. I have heard it referred to as a very expensive wax. Because the hair does go away for a couple months, but then it grows back.
You’re better off with the diode or alexandrite.
The PPx actually does a nice job for facial treatments (acne and brown spots) not hair removal.

I agree the Aesthera /PPX does some hair removal but does a great skin rejuvanation or acne treatments. As with most hair removal you may have to retreat the areas every 2 months for awhile. My own personal results were great 3 times on the legs gave me 80% gone, 5 times on the bikin 95% gone, but needed 9 times for almost 100% gone. Every person and every area will defer.
I think it is less painful and continues to work since the destruction is below the surface where the hairs grow from, not on the top of skin. The new updated Isolaz does acne in 4 visits.