Post Success Stories! --- More than 6 months post

Question. I am currently 6 months post my 5th and last laser treatment. This was my schedule.

30-11-2010 soprano xl SHR mode
08-02-2011 soprano xl SHR mode
20-04-2011 lightsheer diode
29-06-2011 lightsheer diode
12-10-2011 lightsheer diode

Clearly the soprano xl treatments i had did not work. almost all my hair is present right now. i believe that the treatments with the diode lightsheer were effective, so is it correct that from april onwards i could see a lot less hair present due to hair cycles? assuming that the lightsheer laser treatments worked…

  1. Area(s) treated

  2. How long it’s been since last treatment

  3. Your skin and hair type on that area(s)

  4. Device used and settings (if known)

  5. Estimated % of reduction in the area(s)

  6. Name and location of clinic (great recommendation!)

  7. Finishing with electrolysis?

  8. Legs, Underarms

  9. Years

  10. Fitzpatrick III-IV, medium black hair, needed to shave daily

  11. Mostly ngYag. no idea

  12. Legs, 95%. Underarms, 75%.

  13. Nope. : ). Very happy.

I also had laser done on my brazilian, but no matter what, it doesn’t seem to take, done it 8 times with an NgYAG (before that disaster with lightsheer diode), now it’s back like nothing happened but a wax. That’s fine, i can live with that. : ). (bikini line was electrolysized over a decade ago, so the brazilian didn’t include that).

Prettysure, can you please answer, you had the same type of laser on your brazilian as on your legs and underarms at the same clinic?

Other than the first 3 brazilians, which i had diode on (then got burnt so i stopped going there). Then for Yag, yes, for the most part, yes, same laser on legs as brazilian. I did go to 2 different places for my yag, because this was back in the day when legs were $300+ a session just for lower legs, and i didn’t have that so i went to a spa for a special, then went to a different spa. But both did yag, and both did my braz and legs in the same session. i did 5 session of legs, maybe 1 or 2 or 3 more than that(can’t remember) for the braz.

Hello everyone,
I was removing my old bookmarks from my web browser and I remembered this website :slight_smile:

This is my first post here 2 years ago

So I have been having treatments for 2 years and I still have one year to go, my treatments are generally 8-9 weeks apart. I have about 50% reduction on chest, back and shoulders so far, it might seem a little for 2 years but I really have thick and a lot of hair. Neck hair is completely gone. My only problem right now is patchyness. I can see a pattern on me, it looks funny :confused:

It has now been over 2 years since I completed 5 LASER treatments with the Alexandrite GentleLase.

I had these treatments on: brazillian, underarms and stomach.

I can report that there has been permanent reduction and significant loss of hair in these regions.

Of the coarse hair, there is almost none compared to that type of hair making up the vast majority beforehand.
It is now more likely to be either vellus or soft, dark hair.

On my stomach there is still an unacceptable amount of hair but it is of a type that will been to be dealt with by electrolysis if I ever live in a region where electrolysis is accessible and affordable. Adelaide still seems to be lagging behind on this front.

My opinion: If you are wanting a permanent reduction of coarse, black hair then LASER is the best option, as it is extremely cost effective. Please do your research first. I had a great experience because I knew what settings I needed and what sort of LASER. Alexandrite, Diode and ND:Yag LASERs are good. Alexandrite was good for my hair/skin type. Make sure settings are high enough.
Space treatments out far enough that they are effective on every cycle. Don’t buy into a contract which makes you take lots of sessions but in certain time frames. Don’t let yourself be pressured into making early appointments. I think mine were at least 2 months apart, if not more.

Listen to LAGirl’s advice and read up about the process. It is so important - methods like IPL which seem cheaper are less effective and in the long run may cost you more.

I never took my last session as I did not need to do so at the time.

Goodluck to everyone else out there going through this process.

Excellent post and thank you for actually coming back to report your successful experience. You have added to a huge pattern of happy stories concerning areas that respond well if the hair is coarse,dense and dark. Too often, I get feedback from people that report that they were advised to have get laser reduction for their fine black or brown hair. Doctors, especially, seem to be pushing laser reduction for the wrong type of cases.

So glad for you, emilily!