Possible overtreatment Germany collagen damage? Help :(

Hi everybody,
First off, happy to be here and THANK YOU for providing info and help for people like me. I’ve spent a lot of time reading through posts, infos and Q&A but I am still unsure what happened with my skin on my first session of electrolysis/thermolysis.
All feedback / comments are very much appreciated! I am panicking slightly and have no one to talk to really.

The hard facts
female, late 30s
increased hair growth of unknown cause on chin and neck since early twenties
have been plucking since 10+ years
had first treatment of electrolysis 4 days ago
1.5 hours, very painful
recommendations for after care: zink paste and a liposoma/tea tree creme (she gave it to me

Reactions so far have been extreme.

  • immense swelling/“blocking” of chin (“Jay Leno Chin”), a “split chin” and “double chin” - especially on day 2
  • redness
  • hardening of skin
  • yellow pustules after and on day 2
  • yellow fluid in and right after session until day 2 after treatment
  • developing “bumpiness” 3 days post treatment
  • impression of sagging of neighbouring ares? (Cheeks - damage/loss of collagen?)
  • still feeling sore when I laugh, eat, move my face around the whole lower area of my face

Pictures (sorry, some are not of good quality and the white stuff you see on some is zink paste. Stopped putting it on now)

Right after treatment (sorry, unfortunately no better pic)

3 hours after

10 hours after

Day 2

Day 3

Status quo on day 4 post treatment is
dents, red dots, bumpiness, still hardened at chin, redness and the slight impression of a more saggy cheek on my left side.

From what I’ve read so far, those symptoms are not too unusual to a certain extend, but most pictures I have seen so far look way less “severe” to my chin.

I suspect the electrologist worked on too many hairs for too long with too much energy. I tried to talk to her but she says that all of this is normal and has been no help which is a red-flag, I suppose.

Do you think this is a case of having been overtreated? Or am I panicking?
Do I have to expect scarring, is there anything I can do about it?
Is it possible to damage collagen layers of nearby areals when overtreated, even in one session?

Thank you so much for reading and for your time.


This is over-treatment because of leaking yellow fluid but because it happened once and not a repeated outcome, your chances of healing well are high. Don’t panic and assume there is already permanent collagen damage or scarring. Your electrologist definitely needs to change strategy but if she thinks this is normal outcome especially the leaking plasma, then find a different electrologist. Wait until your skin heals before continuing treatments. Use sunscreen when outside and something like cold aloe vera gel and simple petroleum jelly/vaseline at night will help with healing.

Normal post treatment side effects is some redness and pastules forming but never leaking fluids.


Ok. Thanks @fenix for your reply. Unfortunately it is really hard to not panic atm as it is looking worse and worse as the days go by. My chin is not back to its normal shape and the whole area looks terribly burnt. I am so sad and devastated because I was so naive and trusting. I seriously regret my decision.

This is very clearly a case of overtreatment. No client should be leaving their electrologist looking like this. I think this should heal eventually without scarring, but you should be prepared for it to take some time to return to normal.

You won’t be able to have any more treatments until the area has completely healed, and certainly no more with this electrologist.

Thanks @Thermo. I have no intention to go back to electrolysis anytime soon.
When you say some time, do you mean weeks, months or years? Just to be prepared, roughly.

It will take weeks for the redness and scabbing to heal, at which point you’ll be able to better assess any texture and pigmentation issues. I imagine there will be some minor hyperpigmentation, which will fade over months on its own. You may not even notice this.

The pinpoint scabbing on the underside of your chin and neck area will heal quickly with no issues, but the greater concern is the skin texture in the areas with larger dark red scabbing. Monitor the healing as it happens, and if you notice any issues with your skin texture, I would recommend regular use of a silicone gel to help with the healing process. If this issue does present, I expect it could take many months to show healing progress.

Thanks @Thermo for this detailed description.
I am also very worried about the swelling in both sides of the chin, it seems to not go down. Is it possible from your experience that this will stay? That the chin shape will change due to scar tissue? :sweat:
Another thing I am wondering, I have not put any make up or similar on until now, when would it be safe to do so? And from which point am I allowed to get lymphatic/buccal massages for the face?
Is exercising and sweating ok already? Thank you again so much for your precious time, all of you.

The swelling should recede in the next few weeks. At that point, you might see some wound contraction, which looks like a lumpy skin texture as I described above. The overall shape of your chin will be fine though. There’s no reason that it should stay.

If the treated area is dry and not weeping anymore, makeup should not cause any issues. I recommend being very gentle when applying and removing the makeup as you want to avoid any friction that could remove the scabs. In addition, avoid any harsh ingredients, like exfoliants, that could cause irritation. You can return to using these in a week or a few weeks when the scabs are gone.

Massages are not a problem if the therapist is avoiding the treated areas. Otherwise it’s the same issue as above with causing friction.

Exercising and sweating is also fine.

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Thank you, @Thermo. I am really grateful for this forum to exist. Will keep you updated on the process. Finger’s crossed.

My helpful assistants all over the world, have absolutely nailed it. This is clear overtreatment.
Please do not see this electrologist again.
Dont do more electrolysis in the short term. Let the skin heeal. It is very possible we could see some pitting fromthis, you dont want to confuse the issue with more treatment.

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@Iluv2zap you mean long term pitting is possible?

It absolutely is…
Bear in mind we know overtreatment has occurred.We dont ( nor can we see) the severity of that damage under the skin

Sorry this happened to you. I know an excellent electroligist in Berlin, have been going to her over a year, if anyone needs the information, let me know.

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Hi Diana! Could you share the info about the electroligist in Berlin? I am looking for one since forever and would love the experience of someone who is doing it. Thank you!