In case any electrologist is worried that laser will take away all of his/her customers and needs to consistently scare people by exaggerating the dangers of laser and exaggerating the speediness and lack of any skin damage due to electrolysis, here’s what I think –
Laser hair removal clinics and laser equipment manufacturers have a great deal more money to spend on advertising than individual electrologists. Consequently, more and more people who would never have attempted hair removal will attempt it – especially men. From a marketing standpoint, these ads are very successful at making people think of hair removal as a necessity rather than a choice.
In the best case scenarios, these people will see up to 90 percent permanent results from laser, based on testimonials I have read in various forums. For the remaining hair, they will need to see electrologists. In addition, most people will see around 50 percent permanency, and older patients will be unable to remove their remaining white hairs. Most of these partially pleased patients will turn to electrolysis to finish off, or else, patches of hair on their bodies in uneven patterns will look horrible!
Without reading and seeing laser ads, these people would never have attempted hair removal, either because they didn’t know about electrolysis, or they were men with too much hair to go through years of electrolysis or for the simple fact that they didn’t think hair removal was so important!
So, don’t sweat. There is enough $$$ to go around to both laser clinics and electrologists:-)