Is it true that electrolysis leaves your skin pockmarked?
Please let me know.
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Is it true that electrolysis leaves your skin pockmarked?
Please let me know.
It would be a great help if someone in the know would e-mail me directly at
If that were true, you’d see a lot more pock marked people walking around.
So the short answer is no, not if you have a half-way decent electrologist. For the long answer, go check out the site that Fino referred you to.
Hi Ron.
Your question offers the assumption that electrolysis naturally causes pock marks. Cause and effect statements can be misleading when the perspective part is overlooked.
If one makes a statement such as, “Is it true that the sun can damage the eyes and cause cataracts or macular degeneration?”, the answer could be yes. But if perspective is added, one could answer yes, HOWEVER, these serious complications to your eyes could be prevented if precaution is used and one wore quality sunglasses that can block 100% of the harmful ultraviolet rays.
Self-inflicted diseases such as cancer caused by years of cigarette smoking and poor eating habits that result in high cholesteral which can cause a heart attack are other examples of cause and effect relationships, HOWEVER, we can assign perspective to these statements, too. If you choose not to smoke, then your chance of developing lung cancer is greatly decreased. If you choose to eat properly and moniter your cholesteral levels, you may have saved yourself from suffering a heart attack.
From the electrolysis perspective, if you understand what to look for in an electrologist and what constitutes a good treatment session and aftercare scenario for your skin, then in the end, the hair will be destroyed leaving you with lovely, smooth skin. No pock marks.
We have discussed scabbing and pitting and scarring quite a lot here on hairtell. It is an important subject and all questions are valid. It would be painfully redundant for me to repeat this information again. I always try to be helpful to those seeking answers so my suggestion for you would be this: take some time and use the search feature above to read several of the posts from the past. Type in scarring and pitting and see what pops up. Here are a few threads to start you off:;f=1;t=000581;f=1;t=000576;f=1;t=000545
Electrolysis can cause scarring if it is done consistently incorrectly. I think you will understand what is okay and what is not okay after taking the time to read several posts.
Thank you for your question, Ron.
I agree that you should search the posts about this subject and see the considerable feed back from others. It can and does result in pock marks more often scars and pits and permanent pigmentation problems. This is speaking from actual experiences. Millions of satisfied electrolysis patients with supposedly no damage, yet practically not one posting here about these great experiences and/or whom they had them with. Interesting to think about.
Here’s another interesting thought, annieme, that has been repeated ad infintum here on hairtell: Clients that are finished and happy do not frequent to help them solve a problem they do not have anymore. How many times does this have to be stated?
I’m in the process of trying to locate and thus request of my clients who are finished and delighted with their newfound smoothness, to post here. It’s been slow going as I think the whole world is on vacation right now. I’ll keep trying, but even with testimonials, annieme, I’m not so sure you can be convinced.
I’ve been doing some pretty abusive electrolysis on my wife. By that I mean cranking the machine settings as high as they can go. Frequent severe overtreatment. Yet the treated areas are amazingly smooth. The only scarring is in areas in which skin abrasion removed the scab. Hyperpigmentation? Heck, yeah, but it fades over the months.
We did some eyebrow work. Horrors, a week later there are itty bitty pock marks. But a month later they’re gone.
To tell you the truth, I don’t know how much you’d have to abuse the skin to have permanent (> 1 yr) visible damage. It would have to be pretty nasty, though. Like I said, when we got into a situation where the scabs merged, were abraded off, and needed to be bandaged, yes, there is a bit of scarring. But these were from a truly ugly situation.
[ July 30, 2004, 12:41 PM: Message edited by: stev ]
I have had almost my entire upper body (stomach, chest, back, shoulders, upper arms) cleared by electrolysis. When I first started some areas of my body were so thick with hair you could not see the skin. Now after just four treatments with the Gior’s in New York my skin is almost baby bare. There is no scarring or pock marks from the work they have done. It is definitely possible to get permenant results with no scarring. Can every electrologist do this? Definitely not. I travel from the Southeastern United States to visit Fino and his sons. I had tried literally three dozen electrologist from Atlanta to Charlotte and they were unsanitary, inefficient and did scar my skin (around shoulders). I did have minor scabbing and swelling with the Giors but this was just about for a week after the treatment. And considering I flew to New York and had my entire upper body cleared over the course of 2-3 days this is a small price to pay. I have had over 90 hours of work from the Giors and can honestly say I don’t have a single scar from there work. And I even got a tan(hard not to do in the deep south) in between treatments which I of course is not proper aftercare. I can sympathize with everyone on this board because it took me three years, thousands of dollars, and hundreds of miles traveled before I found a competent electrologist. The point is there are competent professional electrologist out there. Are they on every street corner? No way. Dependinmg where you live they might be hundreds of miles away. Unfortunately in some states anyone with a few bucks can by a machine and start practicing. Electrolyis is definetely a skill and practitioners that are properly trained and can maitain their focus over the course of several hours a day like the Giors and Mr. Walker are few and far between. The only thing I can tell you is don’t give up. When you find a good electrologist the change in your appearance will be unbelievable. I am still startled every time I look in the mirror and feel my skin its like its not even mine. Additionally, I can never remember my skin looking this good now that it is free from hair and nasty ingrowns. It’s definitely been worth the time, money, and struggle. All we can hope for is that more competent practitioners began to practice in the future as people realize lasers don’t work and electrolysis is the only true method of permenant hair removal.
Kudos to"electro";
You have told my story too, as I posted it May 20, 2004 to “laceluna”. Pinpoint scabs are common but they are harmless and do heal with the proper post-treatment care which by the way is the responsibility of the patient/client. Clients have to religiously follow after treatment care, if not, then you will be posting more negative results on this website. True, the practitioner’s skill and accuracy are imperative as well. This is why you shop around for someone whom you feel possesses the proper prerequisites to do electrolysis on you. Granted, not everyone has access to a good electrologist, but if you find one please work diligently with that person and ask lots of questions as to pre and post treatment care, etc. Unless your electrologist is really “out to lunch” don’t prejudge them on your first appt. We need a little time to get to know our clients, as per their expectations, what results they wish to achieve, their physiology, for ex. skin type, pain tolerance, moisture content, and the degree of committment they are willing to put into the program, and so on and so forth…Albeit that the vast majority of professional electrologists really do take their clients issues to heart. As a client, you are paying the fee for a service so don’t be afraid to ask your electrologist lots of questions. The professional will go out of their way to help accomodate you. If not, then then you might have to make changes. Both sides have to have open communication channels and accomodate one another otherwise frustration and disappointment will demise a potentially good practitioner-client relationship. Then you will probably go to this website and file your complaints. And there is nothing wrong with that, but there is a lot of very valuable info on this site ranging from professional practitioners to very satisfied clients. The positive stories certainly outweigh the negative ones - alas, good electrolysis from a good electrologist does lead to very satisfying results as “electro” himself has in the end discovered. Good luck to many more prospective clients on this board.