Hey Guys,
Im based in the Philippines right now as Im studying here,
Im an active person and sporty, and used to be in really good shape, but lately, I dont know my hair is starting to get to me and im very conscious about it, I kinda put on a bit of wait etc etc because of not wanting to work out and shizz…anyway ENOUGH of the drama…I finally went to get a consultation…
The Derma was really friendly, she openly said too while they have had great results, they never did a chest area before…I will post pics of my chest so you can see…
Anyway she said the area was quite dense, they use a Diode laser (I dont know the exact model i will need to find out)… She said she would HAVE to put in on the lowest setting due to how close my hair follicles are, there is higher chance of burning. She also said that the chest would have to be done in 3 parts…MAYBE two… But she was saying they may have to make the sessions, as follows… 1) Left Pec, 2)Right Pec, 3) Abdominal …
I was happy that she wasnt like, Okay no problem and just took my money she was truthful and explained all this to me,
I just want to ask you guys,
Is what she saying correct? That its going to take too long to do the whole chest and abs in one session? Because its kinda going to cost me more, She said they would be using a press and pulse method, they wont just glide it,
But its going to cost me roughly 7k Philippine Pesos per session, so if its done in 3 parts ,its going to cost me 21k Pesos which is $510 for one coverage of Chest/Abs
This seems really expensive?..
Though another place has quoted me 12k ($290) dollars for the full chest and abs, so i may go for a consultation soon,
Im just wondering guys,
Is what she said about there being so much hair its going to take longer to do it, and not possible in one session and there is a high chance of burning?
They will have to use the lowest setting first due to seeing how my skin reacts?
Judging on the pics,
What do you guys think?
Chest: http://i1321.photobucket.com/albums/u556/TaoNinja2000/20121224_185746_zps4ee991bd.jpg
Arm: http://i1321.photobucket.com/albums/u556/TaoNinja2000/20121224_185824_zps82a34be1.jpg
I will go to cheaper place soon and have a consultation, because i would rather pay $290 per session rather than $500 dollars,
Would i expect to have good results?
Thanks again!