Better advice is to get your life under control.
Make a schedule for meals, and stick to it. When you don’t eat on schedule, your body goes into termoil. NEVER SKIP BREAKFAST! If you are going to skip any meal, make it dinner, but NEVER SKIP BREAKFAST. Ideally, Breakfast is your biggest meal of the day, followed by Lunch, although some make Lunch the biggest meal. Either way, Dinner should actually be the smallest meal of the day, you will be going to sleep soon, and won’t burn the calories. Just think, you are ruining your body by not eating right, and then you ADD STRESS! Stop eating at Fast Food Joints. The food there actually robs your body of nutrients, causing an ongoing hunger, because you did not get the nutrients you needed.
You may have run down your thyroid, or if you are lucky just your adrenals. Either one would have a result in dark circles under the eyes, bags under the eyes, thin, or brittle fingernails, joint and muscle aches, sleep disturbance, crashed metabolism (which leads to weight gain and bloating) and, you guessed it, hair loss.
Get Veggies in 3 times a day, and you may require some amino acid pills for a short time to get you back up. You may require thyroid specific supplements, or actual drugs from your doctor. Start out by getting a reflex test on your achillies tendons. If they don’t pop, you are in need of reregulating your adrenals and thyroid.
An easy test you can do at home is have a friend help you test your adrenals. Lay down on a bed or couch. With your legs making the number 4, touch the long finger of the arm opposite from the bent leg on to your pubic bone and push while your friend tries to pull your bent leg straight, and you try to keep it bent. Do this in a room with as little light as possible. After testing one side, switch. If your adrenals are toast, you won’t be able to keep your leg bent even with the slightest tug from your friend, although you might be able to do it with your finger off your pubic bone.
The good news is once you start taking care of yourself again, you will recover pretty quickly. If you are really in bad shape, it will take 3 months.
For some good reading, get “The Diet Cure”, By Julia Ross, and “Food”, by Susan Powter but at the very least, get “Super Size Me” by Morgan Spurlock from your local Video/DVD rental chain.
As for plucking, would you really want lots of distorted, possibly ingrown hairs on your scalp?