Thank you for your post hairess, its very reassuring.
The hairs that I have been freaking out over I’ve been plucking for maybe 2 yrs but not that regularly. Its just that when they’ve grown back and made my brows look messy I’ve gone ahead and plucked them at times and now I wish I had let them fill in.
The hairs that grew back thin have started to thicken and get bigger again so thats a good sign…but there’s areas that are gappy where nothing has grown back yet, i’m hoping they’ll grow back too. The areas are near the arch so its not so bad for now.
I was freakin out because theres been other kinds of hairs I have been able to permanently remove or reduce through plucking in one or two plucks and was scared I might have done the same to my eye brows. I hope eye brows are different. I’ll wait and see what happens, your advice is reassuring so thank you for that.
Please note, I’m not suggesting plucking is a good way to go about permanently removing hair. Sometimes it weakens the growth in one hair but strengthens it in the hair right next to it! And in some areas of the body it can only make it thicker.
I’m 20, Male (Yes, i know, its gay that i even pluck in the first place, i only wanted to pluck some at first but over the years it became a gimic I decided to play around with…regrettably) with black hair that is thick.