Please Read! need help and opinions!

I posted here before about a less than satisfactory thermolysis electrolysis session where someone left me with a lot of scabs. I tried a different electrologist (also uses thermolysis) recently, and the first 30 min session I had on my chin with her went fine, no pain and only like two pinpoint tiny scabs. I had my second appointment with her and told her that I got tiny pinpoint scabs and she was kind of concerned. So she decided to lower the current, unfortunately she had to go over the follicles longer for it to do anything. She also decided to clear ALL the hair on my chin, the coarse hair and the thinner hair. Immediately after my chin was bright red and burned (which didn’t happen the first session I had with her).The day after my chin was red, lumpy, and had a ton of whiteheads. There were even more scabs this time too. Is this normal? I don’t get why it didn’t happen the first time. Is it because she cleared more hair or the current was applied for too long? It’s been a couple weeks and there’s this deep pit on the right side of my chin, there was never a scab in that spot though. The texture of my chin is really uneven and I have a ton of discoloration and indents. I’m so confused, I hear and read so many different opinions on what’s right for electrolysis. Is there ever a situation where a higher current needs to be applied to get rid of hair, but the skin is too sensitive to handle it without damage? Photos are linked

Thanks for your questions.

You should not expect your skin will look normal after an electrolysis session. If it does, then perhaps you were tweezed or you are a rare exception.

Part of any healing scenario, especially in the first 4 - 6 months, includes the wide possibility of small scabs, white pustules, redness and edema (swelling). We electrologists need to apply the correct amount of energy for the correct amount of time and our insertions need to be perfect. If the hair doesn’t slide, then there could be too much regrowth and you will be complaining around month 7 or 8.

The side effects you described are temporary. Temporary skin side effects, due to the destruction that took place to disable the tissue that causes hair to grow is not a bad thing. It may be a necessary downside, but gets much better after the hair density and thick structures decrease, usually form 6 months onward.

I use dabs of tea tree oil and coat the newly worked on area with the purest aloe vera gel on the market - COLD right from the refrigerator. Use the tea tree oil (at bedtime, just dabs) for three nights and use the aloe vera gel as liberally as you want for three days. This calms the skin and may prevent pustules and hyperpigmentation. If your electrologist doesn’t do this, take it to her or his office and apply it yourself, with clean cotton rounds. Try it and see if it helps for you.

I can’t see the indentation in the picture. Please know that once a thick hair is removed, there is now a hole where the hair once occupied space. It will restructure and heal.

A good consultation before you started would have saved you lots of angst. If you were given a good consultation, but forgot what she said, see if it is on her website or ask her again.

Michael Bono’s “The Healing Skin” should still be on YouTube, if he hasn’t moved it somewhere else. Please try to watch that.

If you can get cleared every six weeks, that is best to move this along and it gives the skin time to calm down and heal. Again, the first 5 or 6 sessions are the hardest or the first 4-6 months is the hardest. If you stick with a plan to clear and maintain every six weeks, you will witness the miracle of permanent hair removal anywhere from 12-24 months.

Your concerns are the concerns of many others. We do a lot of repeating here, but I fully understand that this is new to you and after all, it is your face so I don’t blame you for asking.

Michaels Healing skin videos are indeed still online and can be seen here:

The first four parts of the playlist are the healing skin series. I’m going to need to watch the last one, because I think he used some client photos I sent him in it.