please help me LAgirl

what is a good setting on gentleyag?

I went last week to my appointment and they use these settings:

kind of machine : GentleYag
underarm = 18 joules : spot size = 12
bikini = 16 joules : spot size =12

and there is sometning i dont know what it is but i saw her wrote it in the paper : DSM : 40/30 (( what does this mean ?))

Is these low settings because I read in this forum the less setting for GentleYag is 20 OR 22

What is your skin type? We can’t just throw out settings. Settings depend on what your skin can handle safely. They should test to figure that out.

On 12mm spot size, max is 40J. So those settings are pretty low. However, if you’re a skin type VI, you may not be able to handle higher. It’s impossible for us to judge over the internet.

You are also not providing pulse width numbers which can be anywhere from 3ms to 100ms. Those make a big difference too.

my skin type : III
it’s like the color in the image III

Thanks ihatebodyhair. That’s correct. What I provided is for GentleLASE, not GentleYAG.

For a skin type III, those settings above are VERY low. You should be able to handle close to the max.

But you can’t judge skin types based on photos. Please look up the Fitzpatrick skin chart. It depends on your ability to tan and your ethnicity.

I would use a bigger spot size with higher settings. However, have them do a test patch first.

thanks for your reply …

what does pulse width mean ?

and what is the best numbers for pulse width ?

Lowest pulse width on GentleYAG is 3ms. The lower, the better.