Please Do Not Give These People Your Money

If my experiences will help someone to decide not to invest their money in laser hair removal I will gain at least a bit of satisfaction. I previously contacted Essentially Bare of Massachusetts to inquire about removing hair from my upper arms, neck, and chest. I was told by the technician that I was an ideal candidate for Laser Hair Removal as I have light skin and dark, course hair. The initial interview process was handled professionally and put me at ease with the entire process. Unfortunately, the treatment with the LightSheer Hair Removal System was extremely painful and resulted in temporary scabbing of my skin. I’ve broken 5 bones so I have some idea of my pain threshold. After the initial treatment the technician suggested that in the future I should use some type of numbing agent on my skin. She then sold me some over-the-counter topical anesthetic for $50.00 a tube. Six weeks later I had my second treatment and discovered that the cream had absolutely no effect whatsoever. So, following the second treatment the technician apologized and suggested that I should try using two tubes of ointment before my next appointment. She gave me the cream and I applied it as directed before my third appointment. Once again I found that it did nothing to alleviate the pain of the treatment. At the conclusion of the third session the technician then added $100.00 to my bill for the additional cream. I told her that I was under the impression that I wouldn’t be charged for the cream as it had no effect the first time. She told me that proposal was never implied.
After each session the treated areas would shed over the course of 2-4 weeks and then slowly begin to grow back. Before my fourth session I told the technician that I was concerned that the treatments were not as successful as I hoped. She suggested that we try using the LightSheer Hair Removal System at a higher frequency (40-43J). I was concerned about the pain factor which prompted her to make a call to the home office in Cambridge, Ma. She arranged for a “prescription-level” Lidocaine and Prilocaine cream to be picked up at the local pharmacy. Before my fourth appointment I picked up two tubes of cream which cost me a total of ten dollars with insurance. During my fourth treatment the Lidocaine cream worked great as I experienced only very mild discomfort. But, I’m curious as to why didn’t the technician suggest this idea before my FIRST treatment. I would have saved $150.00 and a heck of a lot of physical pain. The fifth treatment seemed to be as similar to the fourth.
After the fifth treatment I decided to wait a few months before scheduling another appointment. During that 4 month period all of the hair in the treated areas grew back. I even seem to have new growth on areas that were hair free before the treatments.
I was understandably upset and contacted the owner of the company. She allowed the technician to grant me one free session which the owner attended. It is now 8 weeks after that 6th and final session and I still do not see any visible hair loss. I spoke to the owner once again and she suggested that I come to the main office so that she could evaluate me personally. I drove 45 minutes (each way) so that she could examine me for 15 seconds and then tell me that she felt that treatments are going well. I asked her how she could actually look me in the eye and say that. She then said, “Well, it’s not guaranteed”. When I began treatments last year their web site ( had a statement that said “Satisfaction Guaranteed” which has now been removed.
I should have been more suspicious of the entire process. While I was considering hair removal the technician told me that her husband has undergone Laser Hair removal on his back and neck and was extremely happy with the results. At my second appointment she contradicted herself when she told me that, like me, her husband has to shave the back of his neck all the time.
I have had a total of treatments from Essentially Bare of Massachusetts. I have spent over two thousand dollars and undergone a considerable amount of needless discomfort. I do not show any signs that the treatments have effectively removed ANY hair from the designated areas. I am extremely disappointed and feel that I have wasted my time, money, and expectations.

If anyone has any questions, comments or would like to see pictures of the results please post a response with an email address and I will contact you.

She was right, laser effectiveness is not guaranteed. If you can prove that you were promised certain results (contract, witness, website, brochure, etc.) why not pick your money up in the local small claims court?

If you see more hair growth in new places, you might want to read through this:;f=43;t=000647

I see people who have had laser induced hair growth (different degrees) all the time when they come for electrology.

Did that cream that worked well on you have a name? It’s the same active ingredient as in EMLA. How did you get your health insurance pay for it?

I hope this experience didn’t discourage you from seeking permanent hair removal. Look in the referral section or ask on the electrolysis board for a referral. Someone may be able to make your search easier. Are you far from Marlboro, MA?

[ April 30, 2004, 01:00 PM: Message edited by: yb ]