Pin point marks?

So I had my upper lip worked on Sunday (11/22) and I scabbed. Well the scabs have fallen off on their own but now I’m left with these pin point marks on my upper lip. Did my electrologist damage my upper lip?? I’ve had a total of 3 session on there in a span of a month and I’ve never noticed these pin point marks until today. I’m worried now. Are these normal or is she doing something wrong? Inserting incorrectly or using too much heat? She uses thermolysis on my upper lip. Those hairs removed were coarse/thick. Please someone let me know why I have these pin point marks and if it’s a bad sign. Should I switch electrologists? Another electrologists I know said I should have my current electrologist stop working on my upper lip and give it 3 months to heal. I really don’t want to be walking around with dark thick upper lip hair for 3 months. What can my current electrologist do differently to prevent these marks. Or how can I make them go away. Will they ever go away or did I get stuck with skin damage? Will blend work better for my upper lip? I really want to get my upper lip worked on and not wait 3 months or more for it to heal and walk around with a thick mustache. I’m feeling so down now and like I’m doomed. I thought electrolysis would be amazing but now I have these marks. Is this a sign to stop electrolysis or what should I do? I’m seeing my electrologist tomorrow and I plan on showing her the marks. Any insight on these marks and what I should do would be greatly appreciated.

relax. Its all going to be ok Smallish pinpoint scabs that fall off within a week are normal treatment effects. It’s all going to heal beautifully and leave a perfect result.Let the healing process do its work and stop stressing about it.

Those marks after the scabs fell off is normal? They aren’t indentations or pitting?

The scabs don’t bother me so much but the pin point holes it left after the scabs fell off worry me.

I know you havent watched the video I sent you because I started it playing when I posted and its not done yet. Please go watch it.It describes what you are seeing EXACTLY.

It is not uncommon to have irregular skin texture (dents, indentations, etc.) following an electrolysis treatment. This is temporary and part of the normal healing process.