pimples where laser has been

hi guys,

im treating myself with the tria laser and im getting the occasional pus pimple in areas that i do. i dont clean the area first really or put anything on it. could this be the problem? is there anyway to prevent it? i have black course hair and doing my chest stomach etc. its almost as if some of the hairs are getting infected? just wondering why this would happen. thanks

Try washing your chest with an anti-bacterial soap first. Disinfect the part of the Tria that touches your skin.
Wash your hands before you start zapping and afterwards.
Use witch hazel to dab the area afterwards.

Hair removal, whether it be temporay or permanent requires good hygiene practices. Your skin is a barrier, but when the barrier is broken, germs can cause infection in the form of pustles. Keep it clean.

These little pimple could be lymph fluid also, but you still need to approach this with hygenic thinking.