Pictures - 23 year female

I wish I had never picked up a pair of tweezers. When I was about 18, I used hair removing cream on almost my entire face. I have slightly elevated testosterone (which accounts for the male pattern hair growth on my face), exacerbated by years of relentless plucking. This (below) is what I look like after 1 week without tweezers or shaving or plucking of any sort (I’m on vacation so my co-workers do NOT have to see this, mercifully!).

Believe it or not, that’s a woman’s face.

Is this the worst case you have ever seen?

Am I beyond redemption?

This is going to take at least a solid year, isn’t it?

Will the bumps go away? I am really determined this time. My electrologist has packed up shop because her husband has a chronic disease, so I have a new one.

The pictures reflect ~7 days of growth. I counted over 250 hairs (gave up after 250 hairs!) on my chin after 7 days. I am told I could have up to 6000 hairs (well, I read this online). How quickly does hair on the chin grow back? 12 weeks? 6 weeks? Confused! :confused:

Some of the pictures are hard to see, but I get the gist of what your problem is.

Personally speaking, I love cases like yours. You can be helped. The end results are so dramatic. The problem I find is most clients never see it to an end and do not stay true to a schedule even though I tell them that this is not an instant fix. You are looking at perhaps 18 months to 24 months if you get cleared and then stay on a schedule to keep the area maintained. There is no other way down. Two years out of your life is a small price to pay for permanent hair removal. Good electrolysis care will give you back a smooth face and neck. Not all electrologist’s could handle a case like yours so be careful and get those consults and short treatments. Hair grows fast on the chin. It is very hardy hair.


Most of your hair is black and coarse, which means laser is also an option for you. You’d need a Yag laser for your skin type.