Props to you for some hard work, some great pics and sharing!
Thank you~
Props to you for some hard work, some great pics and sharing!
Thank you~
oh and looking back at the pics you did post, did you have to do your upper chest and throat that we see in those pics?
They look awesomely smooth! I cant wait to experience that!
EEww yuck???!!!
Thats one of the most inconsiderate responses I have read on here.
And I would like to see the finished product on my face also, but I have something alot of the people that have done electro dont have; patience.
And to fully understand the beauty of a hair free face, you have to undergo the pain and annoyance of getting rid of it to fully appreciate your skin and keep it radiant.
To everyone else… thanks for the nice messages and to James, I still have that appointment to do with you…
The chest pics are done, James should receive the email shortly.
Good luck to everyone doing electro.
Concerning the Ewhhh! Yuck! part:
I think what Alicia was saying was that it would be almost unbearable for her to look at past pictures of hairy places she once had because she is a woman. I don’t think she meant any disrespect at all to you. It’s hard to judge what messages people are trying to relay on the internet, but in this case I do think she was offering you support because she’s been through it all and she has always been very kind and supportive to all posters, in her manner of approach, here on hairtell.
She can explain for herself, but that’s how I read it.
Bests to you,
Ok… Im bad and ready to show the progress of my face. My chest is done. Smooth skin and awesome appearance. My face is halfway done. If someone could tell me how to download pics since im not really good at this it would be great.
And by the way, my electrologist is Sabrena Smith in Hollywood. I call her my savior cause thats what she is. She is FAST and efficient. She is super good at her job and my skin looks amazing!!!
Hello… where do you live? Anywhere near Cali?
The best way to do pictures so they show up on the site here is to put them up on and link to them from there.
Hi Jessie:
Yes, actually you took that the wrong way.
I was referring to how gross the facial hair looked and how it would make me feel if it were my face.
If that came across wrong then I’m sorry, but you will need a thicker skin to survive in this world. If you misconstrued my words as insensitive you haven’t encountered a fraction of what I’ve had to. I’ve gone way beyond what you have so far and know what I’m talking about as far as that goes. I’ve completed my facial electrolysis and been full time and post-op for years.
Personally I can’t look at old photos of myself without wanting to vomit.
Hi Dee:
Thanks for the kind words.
I try. I hadn’t seen that posting by Jessie and have made my reply which may or may not draw a similar reaction.
Thanks for your help to many on these boards with your kindness and support.
I really dont need you to tell me about my world. I have suffered enough. And I know how difficult it is.
I’m guessing this is a not so subtle way of telling me you won’t be “friending me” on Facebook?