I will try to type slow so you can understand.
I said I would like the new epilator but I am not running a charity (Ok yes I am).
Read Carefully LOW POPULATION DENSITY. This means few people. census fact this region has more deer then people. I am working on the cousins daughters etc the deer want to keep their hair. Another census fact the per capita income is very low here. That means having face electrology is very expensive and a luxery.
I have been to Europe Not sweden though . I have family who lived there. My introduction to electrolysis came from Europe. While visiting us here in the state my sister search for a thermolysis operator for fear she shouldnot mix the two.
I am an esthetician who has taken almost every class offered by the international dermal institute. They bring their instructors from Europe. These instructors go to a two year vocational training and are Thermologists/esthticians. and they believe the blend is dangerous. (perhaps I overstate)
PBS did a series on the history of electricity. The did bios on people like Faraday, Galvanie, Tesla, Eddison. They explained the political ideas and financial interests that formed the different regulations on either side of the ocean. And they explained why Europeans (right or wrong) doesnt like DC current. Our FCC doesn’t regulate their frequencies. I don’t know what frequencies they use it might be the same but the current is not 110 and Apilus would and might manufacture an equivielnt but different epilator for Europeans.
The electronics industry has given me a good life and affords me the opertunity to keep my charity open.
Sterex is a Eropean electrolysis company. Ballet is French. Sillouette is also European but they manufacture here for this continent.
FYI the FCC regulates the freqency so that we don’t interfer with radio communications. I doubt our signal is powerful enough anyhow. But there was an issue with a non FCC epilator and shipping communication on the Mississippi. I have no documentation of this just heard a story.
Do you suppose our friend from Sweden bothers to check this any more?
And Dee if your fischer is so inferior why are you trying to unload it on the unsuspecting? My ethics will not allow me to do this. I would tell anyone to invest in the most current hightech available and keep my dinasour. We all have fischer for the same reason they paid the highest kickback to the schools to promote it Or at least the school I went to took a huge cut and sells ballet needles stamped “school use only”.
A good electrologist can make the fischer work anyway.