this is somethign which is realtively new to me.
i do have sensitive skin.very pale.
the only times i encountered issues like this in the past were when i tried shaving the bikin line.
so i stopped that method.but as times gone on and things have beocme worse, i looked at other mehtods besides depilatory reams which are what id always used in the past.
waxing was the first one i tried.this was done myself at home.little success.took too long,found it far too painfull and laborious a thing to undertake for the results i got.
shaving- went back to that after i stopped the waxing.
prior to waxing i had never,ever had any issues except for the odd time when id tried to shave and as a result had a temporary red saving rash from it.
after waxing ( for what cant have been more than 6 times tops), i found big problems.i started to get spots.genuine red spots which id never encountered in my life.
not a rash.actual spots.not teeny little ones either.raised red angry lumps.which seemed to either be infected.
i found i always seemed to have one area or another and ive not been free of one spot or several for months and months and months ( since i had tried the waxing in fact).
more often than not these are large,red,and seemed to be pores that become enlarged due to being filled with a clear fluid.nothing which you would associate with an actual nasty stuff insde the pore.just fluidy stuff.excessive fluid stuff.but when these happen, they dont go for months.
more often than not to allieviate them they need to be constantly treated with antiseptic liquid and on a weekly/bi weekly basis they need to them be “bled”.
once is never enough in the cases of the larger ones as they seem to either fill back up or are generating more of the same fluid within itself.
and when one has been dealt with.( i.e. its no longer a raised angry red lump ,pore is drained and empty).there is a purple/red mark left on the area which fades slowly after several months.
when i noticed this hapeneing i stopped shaving too.
started using a body bruch to scrub twice a day.began using an antibacterial soap and went back to depilatory creams.
have to say the ingrown issue has not eased.
theres a lot of them,considering i only waxed for half a dozen times at most,and havent been long term shaving.
the number and frequency of these red spots has decreased a little.
this is some 3-4 months down the line from stopping the shaving/waxing,reverting back to the old method id previously used and twice daily treating the area completely with a body scrub and anti bacterial cleaning too.
its a distressing thing to contend with.disheartening to still be getting these sideeffects months down the line still and at times i wonder if im ever going to be free of them at all.or if ive inadvertantly done damage to my skin and am going to be contending with this for the rest of my life.