Penis shaft & eye brows help

hello everyone,

i need your help

a friends recommended i do electrolysis for penis shaft and eye brows. i have never done it and i know nothing about it. from reading online i now know that a needle will go in each hair follicle to destroy it. does it hurt on eye brows? how about the penis shaft? (this one scares me

any tips in general and on how the pain can be reduced

many thanks to all of you

I sent you a pm.

hi, I can’t see your PM. Thx

Does it hurt on eyebrows? Depends on the skill of the electrologist and her/ his set up. In general, some hairs hurt and some don’t.

Many men use a topical anesthetic for the shaft area, but James and Michael or whoever can give you more detail if they desire.

help anyone? thanks

Well, to be even more specific, there are topical anesthetics with Lidocaine, like EMLA and LMX, that can be applied to the penal shaft for about an hour before treatment. It helps a lot.

You don’t need anesthetic help for the eyebrows. The middle part between the brows, called the gabella, is not too painful. The fatty part under the brow can be more tender, but my clients all seem to do well. As I said, some hairs are more stingy than others. You have to be brave and calm.