Penis hair removal - spots

Hello, i’m a circumcised male, and over the years hair started growing on the base of my penis and lately it started to grow even higher. Higher they are sparse and thin, but on the base they are thicker. My penis skin is white and where I had the circumcision it’s a little darker.

Anyways, I had 3 hair removal session on my penis. The technician is using Soprano Platinum Ice. I did not take pictures of my penis beforehand, but after the second session two little black marks came up near my shaft. like really small. I wasn’t really looking at my penis before this session. I told the technician about it and he thought those were ingrown hairs, but he couldn’t really get deep enough through the epidermis. (i’m doubtful they are hair, but I have no clue). After the third session I started to be aware that areas of my penis darkened. Especially near the circumcision scar which was darker to begin with… also on the back of my penis and some other spots became visible to me, brown rather than black.

The technician goes all over my penis even in areas with no hair. Which I don’t understand why? I loved the way my penis looked and now it has spots that makes me really uneasy. I’m either really blind and never spotted them, or this is a result of treatments. I don’t know what to do and i’m kinda freaking out.

Thanks a lot for any help/assistance.

forgive my saying this, but I think laser is the wrong modality to be addressing this issue. You should be looking to electrolysis to help with this. Laser is just the wrong tool for this job. As for the hairs left under the skin it could be ingrowns or may be stuck fried bits of hair. Either way nothing to freak out about and will resolve in time.

I do this kind of work every single day. Some days I do multiple hours of preparation for Gender reassignment surgeries one after the other. It’s honesly not a big deal. The hairs near the base of the shaft yes can be incredibly deep some of them. This isnt a challenge for the electrolysis probe which is bringing the energy to the right part of the hair follicle to destroy it. The stuck bits of hair will be pushed out by the next growing hair or encapsulated and shed that way. At most they will appear dark or bluish under the skin for a while. The pigmentation change of the skin itself indicates a reaction to inflamation. Once the inflamation subsides a darkening of the area occurs and hangs on for quite some time. It does however fade eventually completely. This is PIH, or post -inflamatory Inflamation. it’s tough for hairs that are older, or deeply rooted for laser to affect them. I wouldnt expect the effects to be very long lived.It will all be fine.

Thanks a lot for both responses.
The issue is that I can’t seem to find an Electrolysis provider. They don’t treat male genitalia. Maybe I will be lucky to find one. I think for the time being I will postpone my treatments?

I have a really sensitive, thin skin. Especially on my penis. I have Ehlers Danlos which is a connective tissue disease, so perhaps it has an effect? I have no idea. I also have Seborrhea Dermatitis.

I strongly agree that laser is waste of time and money on genital area like penis shaft and scrotal skin. I have seen deep rooted hair on penis shaft under surgical microscope and they’re incredIbly deep and sometimes curved. No laser beam is going to reach that deep.

I have had a full Brazilian and agree that laser CAN be a waste of time. If you have the right combo of dark hair and light skin, you may make some inroads but overall, yes, you are better off switching to electrolysis sooner than later. My own experience was that laser did thin down the hair but also, all the hair that regrew turned white, and that was a fairly considerable amount. Electrolysis took a while and it was expensive but I’m 99.5 percent clear now and I sure don’t have laser to thank for it.

What area of the world are you in, teleblaze?

Hey Backroads,
I’m from Israel.
I see that a lot of practitioners charge 40$ per 15 minutes. I talked to one who does both (I believe the laser treatment is done by an employee of hers) recommended laser actually. Which is funny after reading this thread. She said it would be extremely painful and be way too pricey.
What am I looking at in terms of money and time consumption with Electrolysis if I do find someone who is willing to do this and hopefully doesn’t suck?

I don’t know why, but still some light brown pigments are popping on my penis days after treatment… Is Wet sauna problematic? anyways, I have no idea why it happens… I’m not exposed to the sun in that area.
I do wonder if it’s possible to get rid of them… also, feels like hair is starting to grow in areas that had no hair in… and there are like small little bumps where the hair is supposed to come from perhaps? suddenly feels like I can feel it when sliding my hand on my penis… didn’t feel it before.


I guess first off, price would be a primary consideration and in my experience $160 an hour is way too high. I’m sure my electrolysist would love to get that much. She charges more like $75-$80 per hour, which also adds up. And I always tip a small percentage too.

I have no estimate on the total that you’d spend because there are just so many variables – including the actual hourly price, how your hair is physically placed in your skin (shallow, deep, curved, etc.), how good your electrolysist is at actually hitting the hair root with the treatment wire, how dense your hair is and how fast he or she moves from hair to hair.

The best way to look at this is as sort of an expensive hobby. Work on it as you can afford it a little bit at a time. If you keep after it, eventually you’ll end up like me. If you shop for an electrolysist, don’t be shy about what you are wanting. There’s no reason for shame. You should be proud of your choice to have Brazilian work done and own it. If you encounter rejection because you are a male just move on because there are practioners out there who you should eventually find who will do the work.

So … the pigmentation you are experiencing is after your laser treatments?

I think what you may be experiencing are enlarged sebaceous glands. For me, these were most noticable around the base of the penis and all across the scrotum and gave it sort of a plucked chicken look. I’m glad to say that these disappear after the hair follicle are destroyed.

With laser, as you know, treatments are made to skin where hair has been shaved beforehand. That is to leave the shortest possible distance for the laser heat to travel down the remaining hair shaft to the hair follicle. If the treatment is effective, you end up with tiny disconnected bits of hair under the surface of the skin but these generally surface after a short time. The process is known as “peppering,” I believe.

There have been considerable discussions on the forum about pigmentation issues. Also, there is discussion about how laser treatments can in some cases actually stimulate increased hair growth! I’m not expert on any of that but it might be worth looking in to especially if the spots and bumps you mention don’t go away fairly soon.

I hope this helps.