Kelly Morrissy-Stump is a great electrologist and a fantastic girl. Her recommendations have been a great help in developing the latest prototype of Laurier. As Dee, Arlene, and James did with the Heavy 4,5. In my opinion each of them deserves the same honor.
I do not know what funny stories can tell a manufacturer, but I know some stories less fun. After being some time in contact with this peculiar world of electrology, I can say that mostly wars were caused by the manufacturers themselves. "My machine, needle, or method is better than my competitor´s one.
Regarding to “put Laurier on the map”, not, at all. You, my dear friend Michael Bono, putting it on MY map. I have transmit (with much effort, my time, and the generosity of my clients) its benefits to other peers.
Really, I do not need a needle which remind me my name. I know it very well, and just in case one day I suffer from Alzheimer’s, I have a secret treasure that reminds me what my job was and who was endorsed by.
Maybe you remember it Michael. It is a PDF document titled: “The new Future of Electrolysis”