I returned for an additional hour Friday afternoon, allowing Margaret more time to eliminate that stubborn white hair (and all his tiny friends) remaining beneath my nose, as well as clearing my lower lip and the front of my chin. Earlier Friday morning I e-mailed to her the same photograph posted here, so she could see the significant reduction in surface inflammation. When viewing my lip in person Friday afternoon she was surprised how clear my skin appeared, certainly not looking like I received two hours of maintenance 30 hours earlier. I believe it was a revelation of sorts for her.
I experienced my normal temporary redness after this follow-up treatment, applying ice to both areas for thirty minutes afterward. All redness and most of the swelling was completely resolved in just a few hours. The next morning, things are clear, slightly pink (an improvement over my pale complexion) and not the least bit tender or sensitive.
Two treatment sessions in two consecutive days using the Laurier IBP delivered 100% improvements for me. Excluding $6.50 shipping expense and ten minutes of Margaret’s time to become accustomed to inserting the new probe, using the Laurier IBP presented an additional expense of $2.67 per session. Including the shipping expense, it was $3.21 per session. For an average increase of approximately $3.00 per probe, my skin looks thousands of dollars better after 24 hours, rather than thousands of dollars worse for five to seven days. What more can I possibly say about it?